We cant find him part 1

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suppose this takes place in season 3 and serpents still own the whyte wirm bar on south side



I was walking back from whyte wirm to my trailer bcoz there was a small disagreement between some serpents and since I m there new king I had to go to resolve that

I mostly use my motorcycle but right now it is with betty to repair it since I call her my personal mechanic some part of bike got damaged so she said she can repair it bcoz she knows a lot about them and how to repair them

while I was walking I felt like someone was following me I tried to shrug it off but then someone hit my head and I just fainted




I was in my garage almost finishing my work on jugs motorcycle when I suddenly get a call from FP

FP- hey betty is jug with you

B- no actually I haven't talked to him since this morning

FP- oh no

I was able to sense something is wrong

B- what is it Mr Jones

FP- actually jughead hasn't come home since this morning and he is not at bar or pops either

B- Mr Jones I am coming at whyte wirm

I said and changed and got my serpent jacket and got on jugheads motorcycle which I just repaired




when I entered the bar every one was silent and then I saw toni standing with FP talking but before I could go to them tall boy came in my way

Tall Boy - TB

TB - ponytail what are you doing here

B- I m here for my boyfriend aka your king

TB- well he is not here so you cant be here

before I could speak

FP came and said

FP- she damn well can be here she is not only a serpent but serpent queen also

B- as far as I can recall I dont know why you are here tall boy bcoz last time you were either on probation from serpents or kicked out of serpents for betraying us

and all of the crowd started hooting for me ( in Bettys favor)

B- now get out of my way

I said and went to jugs office with toni FP sweet pea and fangs

B- what is it Mr Jones

FP- we cant find him anywhere betty

T- we checked all the places in this town

Sweet pea- SP

SP- we checked at pops near sweet water river bunker and the tree house you guys you once told us about

B- was he supposed to go on any mission or anything

F- no there hasn't been any ghoulie activity recently

B- so when did he exactly left

T - in morning around 9 am

then it clicked me

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