I m so proud of you part 3

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J- excuse me what is room no. of betty cooper

Nu- I m sorry sir we cannot give this information to anyone

J- I m her boyfriend

before nurse could say anything I heard someone calling me

S- jughead here

J- you must be Samantha

S- yeah

S- its ok I know him he is patients emergency contact

she said to nurse

J- how is betty what did doctor say

S- I dont know the doctors haven't said anything I keep asking nurses but they said she is still in surgery

I felt like I was going to faint and I almost fell

S- hey you ok do you want me call a nurse

J- no no I m fine

then we heard doctor

Dr- for Elizabeth cooper

J- yeah how is she

Dr- the surgery went well but her blood levels and bp is still fluctuating

J- which means?

Dr- she is in coma she is not able to breathe on her own right now

J- so when will she wake up

Dr- we are expecting a few day or a week but we are not sure

J- and if doesn't

Dr-then we will see what we can do

J- can I see her

Dr- not right now we are shifting to her room but nurse will tell you

S- ok thank you doctor

all I was feeling scared afraid

what if something happens to her

and then I saw her friend was still sitting next to me

J- can you tell me what happened

S- after the plane took off and we were in air after 20 minutes there was a turbulence but in a few minutes everything started moving rapidly all of were trying the airplane staff told us wear our lifejackets but it all happened so rapidly that no one was able to do anything since betty was on window site she got stuck while trying to get out I tried to help her but then I suddenly was pulled by a air hostess to exit and then in seconds plane crashed many people remain stuck and some of us got were able to get out

J- so that is how you survived

S- yeah I m sorry I really tried to help her

J- its ok it wasn't your fault

J- but she said she was coming next week

S- she wanted to surprise and I m also from new York so we both decided to come together

J- but how did you know me

S- you are all she talks she has your photo on her desk both of your photo frames in her apartment

S- and even after the we escaped her and caught Trash bag killer she called you first

J- what you mean escaped her

S- oh no I m sorry I thought she told you after mission completed

J- please tell me what happened to her

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