I m so proud of you part 2

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today we were called for a meeting and they said the first we will have to complete a given mission and only then we will get recruited

oh no I dont even know how long I will be gone and I know jug wants me to be there for his book launch night so I decided to call him


I suddenly got a call from betty its weird she doesn't call in afternoon

J- hey betts is everything ok

B- um actually no

J- what is it

B- so I have been recruited a new mission before I come to new York and I dont know how long I will be gone

J- so you are saying you dont know if you will be here on book launch night

she nodded

J- betts you know how important it is to me

I said a bit angry

B- jug you dont have to be so angry

J- how I could not be betty when I m hearing my own girlfriend wont be there for me on most important day

B- juggie I will try to do my best

J- yeah right I said rolling

B- its my job I cant just give it up

J- for just a boyfriend

B- I wasn't gonna say that

J- I will talk to you later betty

B- jug listen to me

but then I just cut the call



today we are gonna be assigned a new mission each officer will have their own mission but this time we have to do on our own since we are not trainees any more



they all asked us to come early and we went inside one by one

O- ok betty so we are assigning you the case of trash bag killer

B- wow really

O- since you had already have worked on it so you have more information on it and you would be able to do it better

B- really after what happened last time

I asked a bit surprised

O- yes what do you think you are the only one who made a mistake by underestimating him there are plenty of officers but even after they have solved tones of cases

she(officer) said

O- so are you ready for it

B- definitely and I wont let you down this time

O- we know you wont and if you are trusting your intuition or thinking of risky move please call me or atleast for a back up

B- that is something I learned from last time

O- ok good so have you decided which city you wanna be recruited in

B- yeah new York

O- ok after mission is finished we will do all paperwork about it

B- ok thanks officer

after I came out of officer I went to my desk to make the plan and gather all the information I am gonna need

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