I am sorry I couldn't live without him part 1

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this one shot happens after Charles take jughead away in a med van and archie veronica and betty are back at home


riverdales three teenagers have been now scared to death after the what just have happened to them that night but none of them knew what was gonna happen was there bestfriend betty's love of life will survive or will all of them were going to jail so many questions were in there mind but it was hardest for betty bcoz she diidnt wanted to imagine her life without her juggie he was only one who truly cared about her in the hardest times



what if something happens to him what will I tell to FP what if he dies then everyone would think im his murderer no no he is gonna make through it he will

then I called Charles

on call

B - hey Charles where are you

C - we are at Greendale hospital betty its a secret hospital of FBI ( or something ) when there will be a update I will call you

B - ok

I was still worried all then I just kept cryimg and went to sleep some how



I woke up around 8 am and I saw my phone there were 2 missed calls from Charles

on call

C - hey betty

B - is he okay is there any update

C - no but I called you to warn that FPcalled me this morning if I have talked or seen jughead so he might also ask you

B - ok so what do I do

C - tell him that he is still at stone wall prep and packing his things and then talk to archie and veronica about how to keep it a secret

B ok

then same thing happened and FP asked me what happened last night and I told him he is still at stone wall prep

at pops

V - betty are you ok

b - I will after I know how is he

V - THERE is something else are sure it was right to call Charles

A - yeah Ronnie is right are you sure

B - I am sure he is in FBI he knows how to handle these things

B - but mean while we cannot tell about it with anyone at least till we know if jug is gonna survive or not

V AND A - ok


when I came home Charles was there talking with my mom and FP

b - hey what are you guys talking about

C - I was telling them that I want your help with a case so you have to come to Greendale with me

B - if it is ok with mom

AL - yeah sure

FP - does anyone of you know why jughead is not here yet

b - he said after packing they asked him to do some paper work so he is still there

C - betty why dont u pack and I wait here

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