Part 5 - A Song of Memories

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Maya had no recollection of how she'd made it to the Avengers compound. All she knew was that when exhaustion hit her, her feet had carried her, mindlessly tripping over each other in a desperate attempt to reach safety. After reaching a heavy hand towards the buzzer at the front gate, she felt her legs grow heavy, giving out from under her. Her body shut down from utter exhaustion, sleep claiming her as fast as the devil claims a sinner.

A warm arm wrapped around her side, lifting her from the concrete and carried her further away from the monstrosity of HYDRA. For the first time in years, calmness embraced her like a long forgotten friend. He gripped her hand tightly, leading her further into her unconsciousness, allowing her to finally rest after years of his absence. Maya welcomed him with open arms, hugging him tightly, but the hug was brief and fleeting, quickly replaced by the friend she knew all too well: fear.

Water, dark and unforgiving. Water, cold and killing. Water, harsh and unrelenting. It pounded against Maya's ears, forcing its way up her nose, claiming her mouth as its own. Its kiss poison to her blood. The brush of its tongue against her cheek rough like the hands of a wanting man.

Then there were hands on her. Ripping her from the water, the sweet serenity of air was gulped down desperately. The hand holding her pony tail flung her backwards, causing her to hit her head hard against the concrete wall. Pain splashed across her mind like paint upon a canvas. She knew exactly what would come next, the touch of cool metal, followed by the sting of electricity amplified by the water clingy to her hair.

It was like making a cake, the recipe always the same, always painful, always torturous. Her screams ricocheted against the walls, bouncing around as if they were playing squash, the racquet held by HYDRA. Time lost all meaning. All sense of it shattered with each scream that echoed daily through the halls of HYDRA. Her body once full of light and love, now a patient etherised upon a table by the hands of HYDRA.

Maya opened her eyes, wide. Sitting up right in a foreign bed she scrambled through her mind trying to make sense of her surroundings. Panic set in as she realised she had no idea where she was, no memory of how she arrived in the bed. Pulling the sheets off herself she revealed the lack of clothing she was in: a large baggy shirt and a pair of boxers.

The smell of rain, balsam pine and slight tang of metal cut through her panic. Maya's breathing evened out as she begun to make sense of where she was, and who's clothing she was wearing. Walking over to the window she pulled up the blinds to reveal a star lit sky, the moon casting a faint glow over the grass outside.

With a slight creak of the door, Maya made her way out of Bucky's room as her survival instincts kicked in. Finding a set of stairs, she descended downwards  hoping to discover an exit. Wandering through the halls of the next level it revealed only meeting rooms and labs. Heading back to the staircase and descending another level, Maya discovered a lavish kitchen and formal seating area that looked out and onto the skyline of New York city in the distance. The faint glow of lights that it emitted reached it hands towards her as if they were trying to drag her back into the sin that she escaped. 

Looking around the kitchen she found a high up shelf that held a large array of some of the most notably expensive liquors  she'd ever seen in one place. After quietly opening a few of the cupboards, Maya found a suitable glass. Into it she placed a few ice cubes stolen from the giant freezer to her right that was mainly full of frozen meals labelled 'SCOTT'S DON'T TOUCH' in messy handwriting. 

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