16. Junkyu's Apartment 🏫 (1)

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I would've walked through hell
To find another way
I would've laid me down

(Walked Through Hell) Anson Saebra

Haruto's POV




I knocked on Junkyu's door ignoring the fact that Junkyu's neighbors might hear me because my knocking was like I wanna break the door. I even forgot that I know Junkyu's passcode but my mind is clouded by fear. The fear that I might lose someone important to me.



Junkyu opened his apartment door after I knocked his door so hard.

I saw behind Junkyu that his apartment was in a mess. The vases were broken. His books were everywhere.

His coffee stocks was also not in their usual place. The glasses and his plates broken, shattered all over the floor.

It all can be seen but the most broken one,

Is his heart, Junkyu's heart.

I can see that Junkyu is falling apart.

"Rutoyaa-" Junkyu barely called my name, his voice cracking like he has been shouting for a whole week.

His tears just streaming. His eyes were just full of tears.

In a second, I directly hug Junkyu.

"I'm sorry, hyung" that's the only thing that I can say right now.

Junkyu cried. More like howling.

Our hearts are broken.

I tried to be strong for Junkyu but my tears can't be held anymore.

I'm hurt as well.

I'm hurt because I didn't accompany Junkyu to the doctor.

Second, I might loosing him anytime soon.

"It's ok, hyung. We'll find a way to cure you. We'll find the best doctor." I said as I landed a kiss on Junkyu's head. I want him to feel that he is not alone. I'm going to be here for you all the time, hyung. I promise.

He hugged me, tightly. It's probably the first time while the other time was just us, faking it in order just to make everyone believe that we are a couple. What have we been doing? Wasting time?

He cried on my chest, trembled. Who wouldn't? When you know your sickness might separate you from this world. Separate you from the ones you love.

I felt that he is getting heavier.

"Hyung?" I called his name but he didn't answer.

He might be tired of crying. Tired of causing a mess in his apartment which is normal when you get a devastated news from a doctor saying that you got an acute illness.

So I lift him up like a bridal style, get him to his room. Placing him on his bed, covered him with his Koala blanket.

I sat down on the side of the bed, looking at him, fixing the blanket so he will not feel cold. I can see that his eyes were swollen, probably because of crying.

As I set my eyes on his face, he does lose some of his chubby cheeks. How can I not realized it before? Am I too busy with my schedule with campus? The regret crept on me again.

I brushed his hair with my fingers, caressing his soft cheek. I swear that I am going to do whatever it takes to make him feel better again. Every illness has a cure, isn't it?

Walked Through Hell [HARUKYU]Where stories live. Discover now