17. Junkyu's Apartment 🏫 (2)

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If I knew that you would stay
I would've crossed the stars
To keep you in my life

(Anson Saebra) Walked Through Hell

No One's POV

Jihoon knew that Haruto was staying in Junkyu's apartment so this morning he chooses not to go to his apartment.

"Hmm" Junkyu stretches his body as he woke up but it seems that his legs were held. He take a look at his legs down there and he saw someone is hugging them.

He startled then he accidentally kicked the person's face which makes him awake. Who else if it's not Haruto.

"Argghhh. My nose" he was definitely in pain then Junkyu suddenly crawled up to see Haruto.

"Yyaakk.. Are you ok?" Said Junkyu as he tried to see what mess he is doing this time. It has been Junkyu's habbit to not staying in the same place when he sleeps. He will be like a ticking clock, turning his body upside down. That's why just now his head was in the same level with Haruto's feet and his feet is in the same place with Haruto's head.

"I think my nose is bleeding" said Haruto exaggerating, he wanted to tease Junkyu because he swear that Junkyu's panicked face is the cutest thing that he have ever seen in the morning.

"I'm sorry. Let me see." said Junkyu as he tried to take Haruto's hand off of his face. Then suddenly Haruto let out a laugh. A laugh that Junkyu would admire so much if Haruto is not in a state in teasing him so Junkyu rather hits his arms. Haruto keeps on telling Junkyu to stop hitting him which makes Junkyu hits him more, they both laughed.

It was a sweet morning for them after a hard tornado last night. It is something that is worth to remember. Forgetting about what might come to their future ahead, the important thing now is what they have. Still, their feeling towards each other is still remain to themselves.

Haruto has been spending all his time at Junkyu's apartment. Haruto's parents, Watanabe Hanbin and Watanabe Jennie are back to Japan, doing their business there so Haruto is free from staying anywhere he likes. However, Haruto is frustrated because of his college and Junkyu couldn't ignore it.

"Haruto, what's wrong?" asked Junkyu.

"Owh, nothing, hyung. Do you have something you need?" he asked as he put his phone back into his pocket. He got a message from Jeongwoo that their tasks almost meet the deadlines.Not to mention the song that he needs to finish as well.

There are many things that he needs to do. The guitar which is his favorite thing in this world are forgotten for the time being and his bestfriend is trying to help him to get back in track but Haruto is consisted on taking care of Junkyu.

"You've been here the whole week. Go home. You have a life as well." Said Junkyu as he shook his head slowly.

Junkyu decided to do the chemo, it's a treatment that is done once in three weeks. The first one has been done after he was told by the doctor that he had that acute gastric which became a cancer stadium 3.

"No. What if you collapsed again when I am not here?" Haruto asked in concern, he sort of raised his voice as well.

Haruto saw Junkyu did the chemo behind the window glass that time, two days after he was told about his disease. Junkyu looked drained, in pain. Taking the drug which his body might resist or accept, the thing is that chemo is a 50-50 chance.

Of course Jihoon went there as well, he couldn't held his tears seeing his bestfriend, fighting for his life. Hyunsuk was there too, to calm Jihoon down, holding him in his embrace. Brushing his hand up and down on Jihoon's back while Jihoon's tears wet his t-shirt. That day was the heartbreak for three of them, seeing their love one who is always happy, lost his smile for several hours.

"Jihoon will check me everyday. So you can go now." Junkyu insisted. It's true that everyday Jihoon is checking up on him, he is his bestfriend after all.

Junkyu bites his lips, not sure of he wanted to say the next sentence to Haruto, the one who has been taking care of him. The one who ignores his obligation of being a student and instead taking care of someone he calls fake boyfriend.

"I'm fine, you don't have to take care of me." He finally said it with closed eyes. He doesn't want to see Haruto's begging eyes.

"But hyung-" before he finished his sentence, Junkyu pushed Haruto's chest really hard.

"Just go! I don't need you!" yelled Junkyu.

"If you are worried about my college, fine, I'll get back on track but please let me stay with you." Said Haruto as he tried to reach Junkyu's hand but Junkyu just brushed it off.

"Please, Haru. Please just go. I don't have the strength to argue. My decision is final."

"Hyung, you know what? I would have loved you. Forever. Why are you doing this to me?" his tears fall as he looked at Junkyu's eyes, begging for Junkyu's mercy just to accept him. Haruto's lips were shaking, trying to hold his emotion. Junkyu never seen him like this, or maybe he won't it after what happened today, after Junkyu let go of him.

"You deserve better, Haruto. I'm dying! Why can't you understand?!" Junkyu just shoot a bullet into Haruto's heart. The reality just hits both of them.

"Please, hyung. Please stop say that you're dying! You are not! We can fight this. I'm all for you!" he closed his eyes, he trembled.

"I think you should go now. I'm tired." Said Junkyu final.

Haruto was pushed outside the door. With his coat that Junkyu gave him earlier when he was begging Junkyu to let him stay, he screamed in frustration. The coat that he held was thrown to the ground. He hits the iron border of the apartment like he was possessed, crying.


Junkyu cried between his vomiting. Not sure of what makes him crying, letting Haruto to let him go or the ache that he felt in his stomach. He reached the toilet's button with shaky hand to let his vomits and regrets flushed in the toilet.

If he could choose, it would have been easier if he didn't meet Haruto in the first place so he would not drag him to this far. He went back to his bed, feeling empty. Not because of the vomiting but because Haruto would rubbed his back after he vomits. Now, there is no one. Haruto used to take the medicine and water for him so he could drink to ease the pain. Now, there is no one. Haruto used to held his hand, when he felt pain gushing in his stomach. Now, there is no one. He lets him go.

 He lets him go

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Hey guys, how are you?
I just had a bad day today. I lost my phone. All my data are in that phone. I'm lucky that I put this story in my laptop as well so I can edit it.

Anyway, what do you think of this chapter?
As usual, please leave a comment.


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