8|| Quiditch & Dementors

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We entered the Great Hall to eat our breakfast. Everyone on the team is ready. Everyone else is Just excited to see Today's game.

"Are you ready for the game?" Daphne asked.
"I am but a bit worried about the weather," replied Jennie.

In Second year when she had joined the team, she had managed  to catch the Snitch and Slytherin had won the Quidditch cup.

After eating The team left The Great hall to go to the Changing rooms. After they all got changed, all of the Quiditch team rounded up to hear their Team Captain, Marcus Flint's  "pep talk". Then they entered the Quidditch pitch.

It was Raining hard but that couldn't stop a Quidditch game from happening. They shook hands with the team that they were playing against today, House Griffindor.

While in the air, from the corner of her eye she saw, One of the slytherin chaser Julia Rowle's broom had been struck by Lighting and it started burning making her fall to the ground.

One less player means that she needed to focus more if she wanted Slytherin to win, and even god knew she wanted to win Today.

Suddenly she see a slight golden shimmer in the sky, not quite sure if that's Her eyes playing tricks or the Golden Snitch, but it was quite obvious that Potter had seen it too.

Jennie and Harry zoomed towards where they had seen the Shimmer. She was faster and tried to catch the Snitch just as she realised she had found it.

But it was pouring heavily, and Jennie got distracted by the rain that had drenched her face, but she tried to maintain Focus and started getting near to it with hands stretched to catch it.

Harry looked up to see the clouds, turning into the shape of a Grim.  Suddenly the Snitch came right at the his face making him startle for a Second.

Suddenly Jennie felt the Atmosphere becoming extremely cold.

She could guess either they were way high or perhaps being followed by dementors.

Using all of her strength she went after the snitch, almost getting hit by A flying Umbrella in the process.

The snitch started going towards the ground, she was getting near the snitch, while Harry, the Griffindor seeker was nowhere to be seen.

Slytherin was so close to winning, she could feel it. They were going to win this season, She could only imagine how Happy her housemates would be as she along with the team would get to carry the Quidditch trophy for two years in a row.

Now she was in the eye sight of every one as she entered the Quidditch Ground again as she chased after the snitch so close to it.

'Just a bit more' she thought. As she stretched her hand a bit more and She finally did it.

The Audience started cheering as they saw Someone had caught the snitch.

"The game has ended, Slytherin has won with 190 points," Lee Jordan announced.

Suddenly everyone saw harry falling and at that exact time a dementor came and started sucking Jennie's soul

While the both were falling, Jennie being closer to the Ground. She heard Professor Dumbledore cast a spell. "Aresto Momentum," which  hit Harry and Jennie making their fall soften.

After that everything went Black.

She slowly started to open her eyes and adjust to the light. Her friends and the whole Quiditch team were standing around the bed she was laying in.

They were talking to each other having not seen Jennie has woken up.

Draco was the first one to notice her open eyes. As soon as Daphne saw her, she hugged the life out of the poor girl who had just woken up.

"Well, what happened? Why the bloody hell am I in the hospital wing?"

"Stop, you just woke up calm your tracks down," Theodore said.

"You fell down from your broom because a dementor attacked you, Dumbledore was so Angry, I don't think I've ever seen him this mad," Daphne replied.

Madam Pomfrey shood everyone away that's when she noticed Potter was in the bed beside her. In those few moments Daphne was here, she told me everything including what Happened to his Broom.

"Hey, I heard about your broom, I'm really sorry," She said politely, trying to make conversation as now everyone had left and it was getting weird being beside him and not talking.

"Oh, it wasn't your fault, and Congratulations on winning," His smile seemed real, it was cute she thought.

"I'm jennie," She said. She knew she had told him this the other night in The Great hall but maybe he wouldn't remember, she doubted.

Oh how she was wrong, He Had remembered.

They talked for a couple of hours till Madam Pomfrey said that they can go to our respective common rooms.

Jennie thought that it was quite nice talking to Harry, he wasn't as bad as Draco made him out to be, perhaps he had changed or maybe she hadn't really gotten to know him and he hadn't gotten to know her either before all because of Draco.

That overdramtic git.

Author's Note :-
Hey everyone, I'm really sorry for not posting, this chapter was really hard because of writer's block and I know nothing about Quiditch 😅.  Anyways have a nice day.


Written on: 20 March 2021
Edited on: 5 May 2023


Jennie ♡

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