8|| Party and professor

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AS soon as Madam pomfrey allowed her to leave, Jennie headed straight towards the dungeons.

They had won the Quiditch match, that's what mattered not the injuries. It was appearing quite easy for them to win this season, just one more match with Ravenclaw and the Trophy would be theirs.

As soon as She reached the door to the common room, she said the password "Pure blood" and she could hear the blasting music from the party going on.

The upperclassmen of the house had put a noise canceeling charm so nobody from outside the common room could hear the loud music.

And Of course there was a party for winning. Everyone was dancing or drinking, some were even making out. She found her dorm mates and closest friends. Alexa, Blair and Daph together with a cup in their hands.

The four of them chatted for a long time about random stuff but none of them in the mood to dance. Maybe the dementor had sucked Jennie's soul a bit much if she wasn't feeling the need to celebrate her victory.

Anyways they headed towards their dorms to sleep, The party was still on downstairs but you couldn't hear the music to their room because of the charm casted so nobody would get disturbed.

Somewhere near the Forbidden forest.

Harry was with Proffesor Lupin near the forest.

"I'm sorry to hear about your broom. Is there no chance of fixing it?" Proffesor lupin asked as they walked near the forest.

"No" Harry replied sadly smiling. "Proffesor why do dementors affect me so much...I mean more than everyone else?" Harry asked.

"Listen Harry, dementors are the foulest creatures on earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences" Professor explained.

He paused, and turned towards Harry, continuing to say,
"You are not weak Harry. The Dementors affect you the most because there are true horrors in your past, horrors your classmates, can scarcely imagine. Except for one"

"But one, sir?" Harry asked.

"Miss black" He replied shortly.

"Harry, the dementors also affect her, if I were you harry. I would try talking to her and get to know why dementors are interested in her. She's probably the only one who knows what you are going through" He said.

Harry wished talking to her was easy. She was never alone when he saw her. He had enjoyed talking to her when they were in the Hospital wing after their game, and what if Draco caught them talking to each other.

Oh he could never have that happening..

" I don't pretend to be an expert Harry. But I can teach you after the Holidays"

After that the Proffesor went on his own way and The Griffindor boy went on his own.

He was wondering about how he could find a way to talk to Jennie. Would she even want to talk.

Maybe she talked to him in the Hospital wing simply becuase she felt bored, that doesn't mean she will talk to him again, right?

Sorry I know this is an extremely short chapter. But there's something coming up soon. That ya might wanna be excited for...and THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THAT SOMETHING. I had actually started writing the next one before posting this. Anyways have a nice day/night~


Written on: April 2021
Edited on: 5th may 2023



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