7|| DADA with Severus

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The Next day

AFTER the terrifying night mainly because of the dream, but what truly scared her was the fact that it felt so real, she had seen you-know-who himself.

She didn't dare tell anything to anyone, she was scared that they might think she was going Crazy or something.


Currently we are all in Defence against the Dark arts class, waiting for Proffesor Lupin.
The door slammed open, We all looked to see Proffesor Snape. Was he going to take today's Class?

He walked through the Room, closing all the windows while passing them. He put a black screen and then turned to us.

"Turn to page number Three hundred and ninety four" he told us. Everyone started turning pages.

Potter asked trying to be as polite as possible "Where's proffesor Lupin?"

"Its not really your concern, is it Potter? Sufficient to say that your Proffesor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394". Snape said tapping the machine with his wand to turn it on.

Weasley was lazily flipping the pages, when suddenly it landed on the page we were about to read. He looked shocked. "Werewolves?" Granger and weasley said together.

'When did she come?' I thought.

"But sir we just learnt about Hinky punks and Red caps. We've not meant to start that for weeks," Granger said

"Quiet" he shortly said. I started to read quietly. "Now which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"Snape asked.

"Yes, Ms. Black". He said without turning while me and granger both had our hands up. Before I could speak Granger interrupted.

"Please sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A Werewolf has no choice. With each Full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his friends if he crosses his path. Further more the werewolf only responds to his own kind".

Draco howled in the end to make fun of her. "Thank you Mr. Malfoy and that's second time you've spoken out of your turn Ms. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take Pride in being an insufferable know it all?" Snape snapped at her showing clear Hatred.

'He's got a point, she spoke when it was My turn to.' I thought.

"As nobody knows, you all will be writing Two rolls of parchment on the Werewolf with particular Emphasis on recognising it". He said with some what of a smirk.

"But sir, its Quidditch match tommorow" potter said. Oh, yeah tommorow is Griffinfor and Slytherin.

"Then, I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter a loss of limb will not excuse you, page 394" Snape said and walked away. While he was teaching I tuned out thinking about quidditch and the new strategies we were going to Perform.

I already knew about Werewolves because I had already read the Chapter.

I know Severus is making us write the Essay on finding werewolves becuase he wants someone to find out Professor Lupin is a werewolf.

How do I know that? He's My Godfather.


Written in: March 2021
Edited on: 12 April 2023

542 words●


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