9||Truth and talk part-1

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Harry was standing on the clock tower looking down at the people leaving for hogsmeade. Not long after He goes and gets his Invisibility cloak.

He puts it on and walks to the courtyard. As he walked , trying to the be "unnoticed", while his footprints clearly showed on the snowy ground, he didn't expect to be caught by none other than the Weasley twins.

The Weasley twins both grabbed harry by an arm and dragged him away to where nobody would see them.

"Let me go" Harry said.
"Clever" Fred said.
"But not clever enough" George finished.
"Besides we got a Quicker way"

"I am trying to get to hogsmeade" Harry told them.
"We know" they said in unison as they always did.

"Let me go! Come on guys. Don't-" Harry started but got interrupted. "Now harry, come and join the big boys". They took the cloak off of Harry.

"What you doing" He asked them angrily. George shushed him while Fred handed him a parchment.

"What's this rubbish?" Harry asked. "What's this rubbish' he says" Fred scoffs at him. "That there is the secret to our success" Fred told him.

"It's a Wrench giving it to you-" george said. "But we've decided your needs are much bigger than ours" Fred said.

"George if you will" Fred said pointing at the parchment,

George held up his Wand and said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," then placed the tip of his Wand on the parchment.

Words, lines, drawings started to spread. "Messrs, moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs are proud to present the marauder map?" Harry questioned.

"We owe them so much" George said with Gratitude
"Hold on, this is hogwarts and that's-" Harry got stopped by,
" dumbledore-" Fred said
"In his study-"
"He does that a lot"

Fred and George kept cuting each other and finishing each others sentences. "So this map shows-?" Harry trailed off.
"Where they are"
"What they are doing"
"Every minute"
"Every day:

"Brilliant where did you get it?" Harry asked. "Got it from Filch's office," george said.
"First year" Fred said proudly.

"Now, there are 7 passages to get out of this Castle" George said. "We would suggest this one" they said in unison. Pointing to a place on the map.

"The one eyed witch passageway" Fred said.
"Leads you straight to the honeydukes" george said.
"You must hurry though, Filch is coming this way".
"Oh and Harry. Don't forget. When you are done, just give it a tap amd say" george started.
"Mischief managed" both said in unison.


"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermiome asked. "Twice" Ron replied.

"Do you want to move a bit closer?" Hermiome asked. "What?" Ron asked with a bewildered expression. "To the shrieking shack".
"Actually I am fine here" He told her, He was scared but he didn't want her to figure it out. She would think he's a wimp.

"Well, well, look who's here" Hermione and Ron turned around to see Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

"You two shopping for a new house, bit grand for you isn't it weaselbee. Don't your family all sleep in the same room?" Malfoy insulted.
"Shut up!" Ron said done with his insults all the time.

"Not very friendly. Boys I think it's time to teach Weaselbee how to respect his superiors" Draco said smirking.

Crabbe started cracking his knuckles, getting ready to hit Ron. Hermiome laughed and stepped in front of him.

"Hope you don't mean yourself " She told Draco.
"How dare you talk to me you filthy little Mudblood!" Draco exclaimed.

Suddenly a snowball hit the side of his face. Everyone looked to see who threw it, but no one was there. Out of the blue, a lot of snowballs came and started hitting the Slytherins.

"Don't stand there! Do something" Malfoy said to Crabbe scaredly. Then crabby's pants were pulled to the ground. He was kicked in the butt, and fell face forward. All of them ran away terrified.

Then something was tugging on hemione's hair and Ron's hat. Ron had a scared look on his face. "Harry!" Hermione laughed.

Harry took off his cloak and they laughed. "Bloody hell Harry. That was not funny" Ron said.

At the same time, Jennie came from the same way draco had left with daphne, trying to find their other friends. While talking and smiling with a younger slytherin that none of them knew.

The Slytherin duo see the trio who were laughing. They had gotten lost, well not technically lost but couldn't find the group who had vanished when they were looking towards Honeydukes talking about something.

Jennie asked politely. "Have you seen Draco?" Before either Hermione or Harry could speak.

"How would we know, aren't you supposed to know where your boy friend is?" Ron sneers

Jennie and the other slytherin looked so done at the way Ron spoke. Because they had been kind while asking.

"Mind you Weasel bee, we are cousins! And didn't your parents teach you manners?" She snapped.

Then jennie and the younger slytherin turned on their heel and went the same way they came.

Hermione hits Ron on the head as soon as they leave. " I can't belive Ron you are this stupid, she didn't even do anything except for being polite. You are such a git. And then you expect people be kind to you" Hermione said.

She wondered had Jennie black always been this polite but Hermione hadn't noticed. She knew of her Good grades, some friends and Draco malfoy's cousin. But what she was really thinking was How could such a pretty girl be Sirius Black's daughter...


HEY EVERYONE. I am really sorry for not posting, and I'll make a part two soon. Anyways I'm gonna start writing longer chapters and more pov's. Maybe the posting not be as frequent because the longer length...and the great writers block.

And the mysterious slytherin is the new character I added, aethra- is the one who gave me the idea, so credits to her ♡.
Bye everyone, love you~


Written on: 27th April 2021
Edited on: 5th May 2023

1047 words ( the most I've written till now)


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