11||Another night, another vision

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Jennie was in her Dorm twisting and turning left and right. Trying to find comfort and sleep, while she got none.

She got out of her room and headed down the stairs to the common room. As soon as her bare feet reached the cold floor, she shivered, regretting not wearing her shoes.

She sat near the Common room fire trying to get some in the cold dungeons. Soon after a while she drifted off to sleep on the couch.

She had an....interesting dream, to say the least. The dream felt real, like the time she had while sleeping in the great Hall.

The dreams weren't same. She was in a room, which was broken, scratch marks everywhere on the floor and wall.

She saw a dog dragging Ronald Weasley? He was injured, she tried to help him but she just passed through hum. Soon Harry potter and Hermione granger fell through the same tunnel the dog and Weasley came in through.

Hermione fell on top of harry, not in the romantic type of way..where it will really hurt him type of way. Where as the dog was now a man? Who looked like...Sirius black. He looked crazy like the picture in the daily prophet, but he was definitely good looking.

Then the scene got blurry and another scene showed up.

It was Harry and Sirius near a lake, many dementors around, there had to be at least a hundred of them. She saw the dementors sucking their souls, she saw some white light shaped like a stag, making the dementors go away.

As soon as this scene ended, she jumped awake and saw Destiny, her cat lying near her, looking at her. She was back in the common room again.

She went back to her bed again and tried to fall asleep and maybe she did.

These dreams meant something, not sure what, but it was sure, they were not just dreams. But she couldn't tell anyone, not now. These dreams might be real, past, present or future. The last dream had to be a past memory, but this one was future, she was sure.

She didn't know how she knew but it was a gut feeling.

While thinking she fell asleep, this time finally getting peace.

Hey everyone! How are you all? Hopefully, good.

There's nothing special going on right now in my life. This took me two hours, because I couldn't think of a song for this chapter, you all do not know the big plot that's coming for you all soon, a couple more chapters then 4th year will start, this was the 20th chapter of this story. And 2 days more, then it's 3 month anniversary. Thank you all so much for reading. Love you~


Written on: 27th April 2021
Edited on: 5th may 2023

0.4k Words


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