1||KingsCross Station

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Jennie was getting ready to go to the Kings cross Station, all her things packed, her cat destiny in her ready to be put in cat cage.

Her cousin Nymphandora enters her room as jennie is putting her dragon heartsting cored wand in her suitcase while knocking the stool near the door.

"Lia please be careful this year! A prisoner escaping azkaban who just so happens to he your father isn't a normal thing!" Dora stated as she picked up the stool she knocked over.

"I'm always careful nymphandora and there is no chance he'll come looking for me, we've had this conversation a million times this summer already!" She whined.

It was very true, The metamorphagus would randomly come into the slytherim's room telling her to be safe this year. If anything she was making jennie want to do something extremely stupid.

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, and dumbledore is there, I'll be fine dora now go I need to make sure everything is in my bag" Jennie chuckled while pushing her cousin out of her room.

"Fine! I'm getting no need to push me out" The older girl chuckled while leaving.


Uncle Ted and Aunt Andromeda never came to the Kings Cross station to say Goodbye to Jennie fearing that they'll meet Narcissa or Worse lucius, after all Andromeda married a Muggle-born making her a Disgrace to them.

"I'll miss you Lia, take care of yourself, don't get into much trouble like I did." The older cousin said hugging jennie, they'd both lived together as long as they could remember, there was no summer where they weren't doing shenanigans at the house.

"You're saying as if this my first year or this is the last time you are gonna see me" Jennie whispered in the hug but loud enough for dora to hear.

"Now go or else you'll be late, and dont you dare forget to write to me"

"Of course I will or else you'll send me hundreds of letters each day" Jennie said jokingly.

Soon all the students boarded the train, all the parents on the platform saying goodbye to all of their kids. Some first years ready to start their journey at Hogwarts, some Seventh years ready to start life outside Hogwarts.

#Moreintothestory- The only pet name I could possibly think of from Cordelia was Lia so that's where the pet name comes from.

And Andromeda and Ted not coming to the station is a way of me telling that how serious the prejudices are in the wizarding world, that an aunt can't come to say goodbye to her niece who's almost like her daughter because of it.

Anyways thanks for reading this chapter! Please Vote and comment I appreciate it so mich


468 words~


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