Chapter 1 : Where we talk about trees

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"When death claims us, the spirit of the senses breaks the seal, for the grave is a nest where the soul, takes wings like the bird!"

Victor Hugo

Light like liquid silver distilled from its trunk and dripped on the ground, and it spread a very wide illumination over the plain, but which was not yet as wide as that of the golden tree, and because of its vast leaves and the beating of its inner life it projected a continual floating of shadows among the pools of its brilliance, very sharp and black; at this moment Lórien could not contain his joy, and even Mandos smiled. Telperion: The silver tree.

It had dark green leaves, the back of which shone like silver.

From its innumerable flowers it shed an inexhaustible dew of silver light that bathed the ground in quivering shadows.

As for the other, of very beautiful form and good growth was its trunk, and there was nothing to break its smooth skin, gleaming softly with yellow light, to a vast height above the earth. Beautiful branches reached up into the sky in all directions, and golden buds stood on all the twigs and small branches, from which sprang leaves of rich green and shining edges.

Already the light that this tree produced was wide and beautiful, but as the Valar watched it blossomed in vast profusion, so that all its branches were hidden by long swaying clusters of flowers like a myriad of hanging lamps of flame, and light fell from the tips of these and splashed to the ground with a sweet sound. Laurelin... the Golden Tree.

The Valar, amazed, decided to watch over its Trees, a precious treasure for them and for Arda.

Their light was so strong that it could be seen from Arda and the elves praised its beautiful light...

But... A terrible misfortune happened.

After his defeat, Melklor, the fallen Valar, falsely repented, brought the spider Ungoliant near the Trees.

He wounded the Trees and Ungoliant drank the sap, poisoning the sacred work of the Valar.

They could do nothing. Despite Nienna's cries and Yavanna's songs, the Trees gradually lost their lustre and died.

Of these, only a fruit of Laurelin and a flower of Telperion remained.

Manwë seized the last flower of the silver tree.

-Isil de Nacre, last flower of Telperion... eternal silver light... Forever you will light Arda with your light... the stars will be your procession...

The Lord of the Valar walked towards Tilion, servant of Oromë.

-Here is a sledge. And here is your task for eternity. Guide the way of Isil every night.

He placed in the Maia's hands the silver flower that glistened with an opalescent light.

He turned to the last fruit of Laurelin.

-Child of Laurelin.. The days will be your daily life... you too will light up Arda forever with your bright rays.

He looked at Arien, servant of Varda.

-Your role will be to guard this fruit. You will guide this ship in the sky. Guide its path.

Arien reached out and received the last fruit from Laurelin.

-Be careful and watch over these treasures as if they were the apple of your eye. Here are your chariots. Get on! May your road be the one that will light up Arda forever!

Aryan and Tilion looked at each other and climbed into their boats.

They set off and, smiling, the Valar saw the two stars of the Trees appear in the sky.

Manwë turned to the lifeless Trees.

-And you, Ezellohar, happy hill that saw the birth of the Trees... unhappy hill now stripped of your goods... it shall not be said that you will disappear. Forever thou shalt be a shrine... a reminder of the happiness that has been lost.

The Valar left the hill, their hearts heavy with this heartbreaking loss.

We will remember that many years later, Melklor kidnapped Arien, hoping to marry her by force.

He finally abandoned her and left her to die.

Since that day, the fruit of Laurelin wanders alone in the sky. Tilion was deeply affected by the death of his dear friend, to whom he was close. But he dried his tears and went about his task with great care.


Elenwë collided with an orc and decapitated it without hesitation.

She concentrated. Yes... she could feel Isil's light shining through her. The light of Telperion. The light of one of the two Sacred Trees. This light was spreading around her and the orcs could not stand the pure, glittering light.


Hi everyone!

Here is the continuation of this series, and a priori, the last volume of this series! I hope you still like this story! Have a good read!

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