Chapter 17 : The pathways of Time

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A great light surrounded her. A buzzing sound echoed in her head as she heard muffled, distant voices around her.

She opened her eyes and her bright grey pupils rested on dazzling foliage. The leaves were dark green, the underside shining like silver. Numerous star-sparkling flowers shone like a procession of stars in the night sky. The trunk of the tree stood straight and white as the immaculate snow in winter.

Her back was to the ground, her face to the sky. Her body was so light! Free of all weight.

Elenwë blinked and sat up. Sitting up, she saw the nearby tree. Its trunk was light brown and its foliage as light green as new grass. Yellow fruit, bright as the sun, hung from the branches.

She stood up straight, looking up at the trees.

The trees. The Trees of Valinor. The ultimate work of Yavanna.

Elenwë was moved and felt a great joy in her heart.

So happy to be here at the feet of these wonders, she moved closer to Telperion. Her whole body urged her to walk towards the silver tree. When she finally reached it, she gently placed her hand on the trunk. She could feel the life that animated Telperion.

A soft aura of silver light surrounded her and warmed her wounded heart.

A noise was heard behind her and she turned, discovering a tall, tanned figure. His long white hair fell gracefully over his shoulders and his midnight blue eyes rested on her.

His attire was princely, emphasizing the majesty of this man.

Elenwë knew she was standing before one of the powers of Arda.

She knelt down, bowing to the power.

-Rise, Elenwë. he said.

Intimidated, she rose to her feet and the man moved closer to her.

-You love the life of Telperion. You feel it in you.

Elenwë nodded.

-The power of this luminous tree runs through your veins. You are a part of it. And he is a part of you.

She frowned slightly and a look of surprise passed over her face.

-Daughter of Tilion. Do you know why you are here?

-No, I don't.

-Do you remember what happened?

-Yes... I died.

-No, not yet. But you've found the path of time by yourself, that's what's surprising.

-The pathway of time?

-It leads to this very spot. Out of time.

-Am I... in a dream?

-In a way.

Elenwë shifted slightly, turning her back to the unknown to look at the landscape.

-Everything looks so real. Where are we?

-In Valinor, my kingdom.

Elenwë paled.

-You.. are Lord Manwë?

-Yes.. but do not fear. We want to come to your aid.


-Morgoth's servant wants to make you the enemy of Arda and we have put so much power in you that we cannot let that happen. My friends come to help me. Look.

Indeed, a noble assembly approached them. There was Elbereth, Manwë's companion, tall and beautiful and enchanting. Yavanna, a redhead with a tanned complexion, flowers braided in her hair, and her companion, Aulë the blacksmith, dark-haired with large, strong and agile hands. Estë, the lady healer with long brown hair. Nienor, the lady of tears, her dark locks cascading over her shoulders, hidden by wispy sleeves.

Elenwë froze in front of such a gathering and stepped back before bowing as all reached her level.

The beautiful queen of the Valar spoke and whispered:

-Morgoth is strong, and the poison of his blades has soon reached your heart. We can only join forces to free you from this hold.

Elenwë bowed her head as all came to stand in a circle around her.

The powers of Arda joined hands and closed their eyes, singing a song that Elenwë understood in her heart.

"Beautiful Elenwë, daughter of light, daughter of Telperion,
You to whom Arda entrusts us...
Fear not the darkness,
Keep your steps from the sadness of the shadows.
Let your steps repel the Darkness,
Let thy enemies' march be a funeral road.
Be made strong by our songs and let the power of the tree flow into you.
May your walk be blessed by Illuvatar, Erú.
We command evil to disperse,
Rise, daughter of the tree of the past."

As the song progressed, Elenwë felt her heart grow lighter and her body more cheerful. The notes of the song gently hit the walls of her heart and swelled in her head. Her strength grew and it was almost with sadness that she heard the melodious notes fade around her.

The Valar opened their eyes and stepped back from Elenwë, who felt a great strength surge through her.

-I... do not know how to thank you. she whispered.

-The future of Arda is in your hands. We have every confidence in you. You will know how to avoid its ruin. Elbereth said.

Manwë came closer to her and laid a hand on her shoulder.

-Elenwë... you are a daughter of the light and your steps must not lead you into darkness.

The elleth looked up at the taller Valar and nodded gently. She had understood the importance of her mission.

Manwë smiled at her and then whispered:

-Here comes the time for you to return to your time. They are waiting for you.

She smiled back at them all.

-I am ready.

As these words left her lips, she began to fade and whispered as she disappeared:

-You won't be disappointed.

A force was pulling her back and she felt that it would take her right back into the middle of the battle before the Black Gate of Mordor.

The stars shone above her and she breathed in the clean air that reached her lungs.

A swirl of vivid colours suddenly surrounded her and, against her will, she closed her eyes, dazzled, and sank into a semi-consciousness.

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