Chapter 24 : The end of the Community

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A week of celebration followed the event. Joy shone on all faces and everywhere in the city there was laughter and singing of joy.

At the palace, the foreign dignitaries stayed with the men to get to know the King of Gondor. And then, two days after the coronation, Aragorn and Arwen were united before the Valar. Lord Elrond had nearly wept as he led his daughter to her betrothed's side. His sad look had changed dramatically when he saw the radiant smile on the face of his first daughter as she placed the ring on his finger.

Elenwë, along with her brothers, had been touched by her sister's happiness. The night after the wedding was not restful for anyone, all were too busy celebrating the event.

Nevertheless, the next night, the half elf could not fall asleep. So she put a thick cloak over her shoulders and went to the covered way.

The sky was full of stars, each one brighter than the next, and their crystalline glow caught the eye of the elleth. She walked peacefully, clutching her cloak in her hands. Suddenly, she heard a soft voice. Surprised, Elenwë turned to see Legolas smiling at her as he recited:

Like a lost soul to the cry of your footsteps

And I hear your name shining with light

Caressing sweetness that tempts me to be you

Then, like a soldier drunk with you without his war

I drink in laughter I feel unknown

Your gaze that holds warm or stops time

I feel you so close like a smile returned

Sweet dream far from everything I swear follow this wind.

Moved, Elenwë looked tenderly at her fiancé.

- It was very beautiful. When did you write those verses?

The son of Thranduil smiled as he approached his betrothed.

- At the beginning of the night.

The sheth leaned against the low wall and Legolas gently put his arm around her waist.

- Elenwë?

- Yes," he said.

- Do you feel ready to leave?

- To go? To join Eryn Lasgalen?

The community had been told of Celeborn and Thranduil's victory at Dol Guldur and the purification of the forest. Since this triumph, the wood elves had come out of the caves to set up some buildings outside.

- Yes. To join my kingdom.

The Woodland Prince was silent for a moment before murmuring:

- Ada had sent me to the council. But he certainly did not want me to take part in the quest for the ring. I haven't seen him for so long... almost a century, actually. I can't hide the fact that I'm looking forward to seeing him again. Elenwë... will you come with me?

The elf looked up at Legolas. Would this be the last time she would see her family for a long time? She was well aware that the elves were preparing to leave for Valinor for good. She was torn inwardly, but her grey eyes shone as she whispered:

- Yes, Legolas. I will come with you.

He smiled gently and rested his forehead on hers.

- Amin mela le, melleth nin.

They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, until the sun rose over the horizon, illuminating the fields of Pelennor.

They returned home and, with the festivities over, helped to tidy up. The day passed quickly and most of the guests left little by little. By evening, only the old companions of the community remained in Minas Tirith. Elladan and Elrohir had left the city with their father and the others of their people.

They sat together around the fire for a while, talking and telling funny and entertaining stories of their journey. Then Mithrandir told them how he had survived the battle with the Balrog.

- We're leaving tomorrow," Sam said. Mithrandir said he would accompany us to Rivendell.

Legolas smiled.

- Elenwë, Gimli and I will travel the same road for three days. Let us travel together if you wish.

- It would be a great pleasure! Pippin said cheerfully.

Merry ruffled her curly hair and smiled.

- I can't wait to see our beautiful Shire again! And you, Frodo?

The dark-haired hobbit stared out the window.

- Me too. He closed his eyes for a moment. I've missed her so much!

Pippin chuckled and said:

- Besides, Sam has some urgent business to attend to, hasn't he?

Merry laughed and added:

- A statement to make to the one he admires!

Sam blushed furiously under his blond hair and pouted in displeasure as Frodo laughed softly.

When almost everyone's eyelids began to grow heavy, they separated for the night.

- Sleep well, my friends," said Aragorn, rising. We will be there tomorrow for the final end of the Fellowship.

Elenwë looked down at Gimli who looked a little sad.

- The friend! she said. You will accompany us to Eryn Lasgalen, remember that Legolas invited you!

The dwarf smiled frankly.

- Oh yes, I'm coming! My father has spoken highly of the beauty of this place!

Legolas smiled and said:

- You will have to show us around Erebor my friend, I want to see the dwarven wonders you have told me so much about.

The dwarf reached out to shake the elf's hand.

- It's a deal.


In the morning, all were gathered at the foot of the city. Aragorn, dressed in an outfit similar to the one he wore on the quest, said to them:

- My friends. My excellent companions. What a joy it has been to live these moments with you. I will never forget you. Remember that if you ever pass through the White City, you are always welcome.

He embraced everyone as did Arwen. Yet when Elrond's first daughter came before Elenwë, her eyes shone brighter than usual.

- I will miss you, Elenwë.

- And you too, Arwen. Thank you for everything.

Arwen felt her heart clench and hugged her sister. Elenwë smiled and whispered:

- Be happy for many years, both of you.

Mithrandir watched the sun rise in the distance.

- Friends. We must go.

The hobbits shed a few tears and all climbed onto their mounts. Elenwë had not seen Ebene for some time, for she had to return to Tilion. Finally, the little group separated after three days, signifying the final end of the ring community.

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