Chapter 19 : Stopover

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- Lord Aragorn, the men are weary. Shall we halt?

Eomer spoke to the heir to the throne of Gondor who was riding with Gimli on Ebene. Aragorn, too, felt exhausted by the battle they had just been through and asked only one thing, to rest for a few hours at least.

He turned his head to the Riddermark Marshal, noticing that he was a little stiff. Was he injured too?

- So," said the son of Arathorn with a gentle smile, "let us rest here. Let us make camp.

Éomer nodded and went to give the men their orders.

Immediately, in a surprising burst of energy, tents were pitched, men fetched wood and others prepared a meal.

The wounded were laid out in a separate tent and the healers went to deal with the most serious cases.

- My lord," called a lieutenant of the Gondor army, a man named Ulegeor, "the number of wounded is no more than thirty, of whom no more than ten are cases of concern. Some people are euphoric, but we make sure that the relaxation does not turn into carelessness. The men have taken turns to organise the camp and guards have been organised. Everything is in order.

Aragorn had listened carefully to his lieutenant's report and smiled.

- All is well then.

- Yes, Lord Aragorn.

The old ranger suddenly wavered and Ulegeor caught him, supporting him.

- Are you hurt? The officer asked, concerned for his leader.

- No, I'm not. Only exhausted, Aragorn admitted.

- Your tent is ready. You should go and lie down.

- I will. But... I wish my companions were well settled too.

- They will be.

- Thank you Ulegeor.

The Dunedain walked to his personal tent and entered. Lowering the door, he felt an infinite sadness come over him.

The war was over, they had won, but perhaps Frodo and Sam had paid for that victory with their lives. And suddenly he thought of his sweet Arwen. Closing his eyes, he almost felt the softness of her lips on his. Would he see her again? He doubted it. Maybe she hadn't even survived! He felt as if his heart, bruised by the many trials he had been through, had just broken. Bringing his hand to his chest, he clutched the flaps of his embroidered tunic tightly.

- Arwen.. Melleth nin..

He collapsed on his cot, sad beyond belief. Tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his face. How could he watch the men rejoice when despair marred his thoughts?

He was ashamed. Shame to cry over his misfortune. He had achieved what Elrond had said was more than unlikely, but he had no happiness from it. Was he selfish not to feel joyful? After a long moment of sobbing in silence, he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.


- When do you think she'll wake up?

- I do not know.

Elenwë heard voices around her. She stirred slightly, and a panicked voice said:

- Oh.. Elladan! You woke him up talking too loud!

- Nonsense, you are the one who does not know how to whisper, dear brother," replied Elladan.

The veil of the elleth's eyes dissipated and she let out a grunt of dissatisfaction.

- You see Elrohir? It's all your fault!

- No, it's you!

The two brothers stared at each other and threw themselves on top of each other, rolling on the ground. Elladan began to pull Elrohir's hair as Elrohir ran his fingers under his tunic to tickle him.

Elenwë finally emerged fully and sat up, frowning. Her older brothers were fighting and she sighed.

- Frankly," she articulated, "one wonders who is the most mature here.

- The most...?! Elrohir replied, a surprised look on his face.

The two brothers looked at each other sheepishly and stood up.

- Pan mae, nethig?

- Mae.

As she was telling the twins that she was feeling well, a husky voice was heard outside the tent.

- Elenwë?

- Yes, you may enter!

Legolas entered the tent and smiled at his betrothed. The twins, exchanging mischievous glances, emerged from the tent of the sheth.

- How do you feel? the blonde elf asked gently.

- Good, much better," she replied with a smile.

Legolas, hesitant at first, came and sat on the bed beside her.

- We were lucky to have survived. he murmured.

- Yes, we were.

- About that. How did you do about the blades of Morghûl?

Elenwë then told in detail what had happened and Legolas listened carefully.

- Valars all mighty. And to think that I came so close to losing you," he said at the end of his story.

Elenwë smiled and took his hand.

- I would not have gone. I care for you too much.

The son of Thranduil smiled broadly, murmuring:

- I am glad to hear it. Melleth nin.

He laughed at the slight flush that now appeared on the elleth's cheeks and leaned in, trapping her lips in a soft kiss.

Legolas placed his hands on the elf's waist and she smiled furtively.

She relaxed, feeling Legolas' hands on her waist with delight and responded to his kiss.


The men rested as best they could, but sleep did not take many that night. A vigil in honour of the fallen heroes was taking place, filling the night with melodious songs.

The companions, except for Aragorn who was not in the mood for celebration, stayed around the fire for a long time, eventually falling asleep not far from each other, unwittingly disregarding their respective tents.

The two twins slept on top of each other, forming a shapeless pile of cloth. Not far away, Merry and Pippin were sleeping against each other. Gimli had fallen asleep, his hand clutching the handle of his eternal axe. As for the betrothed, in each other's arms, they had finally fallen asleep, serene.

Shortly before dawn, the descendant of Isildur emerged from his tent, fresh and ready. He saw a river not far away and decided to go and clean himself up (yes, the word is strong).

Once clean, his long hair had regained its shine and he felt in a better mood. He woke up those who were still asleep when he arrived at the camp and asked them all to have something to eat.

Finally, a short time later, he gave the order to break camp. He felt that he was approaching the white city and knew nothing of what awaited him there. His true role, his true nature had been neglected for too long. Happy or not. He would have to assume his heavy burden as King of Gondor.

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