Chapter 11 : Eowyn

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Just as Elenwë had come across Faramir, he was on his way to Eowyn's bedside.

When he reached the nursing home, he hesitated for a moment. What if she were awake? What would he say to her? Nervous, he tucked one of his curly locks behind his ear. He pulled down his brown tunic with the Gondor tree on it.

He didn't understand why he felt so nervous. From the first moment, even before he knew what she had done, he had been under the spell of the First Lady of Rohan. She was the heiress of Rohan... she seemed unattainable to him, a simple steward's son... and yet... yet he still had hope. Every day he went to see her, talked to her, encouraged her to wake up, to come back to them.

He had already visited her before going to sleep the night before. She was asleep and he could easily remember the pallor of her tired face and her long blonde hair that fell scattered over her shoulders. He was spellbound and the image he had kept in his mind all night formed again under his eyelids.

He waited impatiently for her to wake up.


What he couldn't know was that moments before, about an hour and a half to be exact, Eowyn had opened her eyes and stood up, lost in thought. She grabbed her blanket and pulled it over her shoulders, covering her simple white dress. She stood still and straight and plunged into her thoughts.

She remembered some voices, what flashes of memory. Aragorn, leaning over her, making her drink an infusion, but also another presence she did not know. A man who often came to talk to her while she was sleeping. He was sometimes a little nervous and told her that everyone would be relieved when she woke up, and he even more so.

She wondered. Who was he? Why was he so worried about her? She who had thought she loved Aragorn. Now a simple voice had the power to soothe and move her. Unable to bear it any longer, she went out into the hallway where she met no one.

Heading towards a garden, she found herself on a terrace overlooking the fields of Pelennor.

More than a little moved, she remembered the death of her uncle Theoden and what it had meant.

Faramir took a deep breath and entered the room. The sun was shining through the window and everything looked tidy. The walls were grey and cold and covered with hangings. In the fireplace, a few embers were still glowing. This room was comfortable and worthy of its rank. But then... What was his surprise to see the bed empty! At first, he was stunned, but then his heart began to race and his anxiety rose.

He hurriedly left the care wing, hastening his steps and looking for where she could be. After a quarter of an hour, which seemed the longest of his life, he finally arrived at the eastern terrace.

The fountain was flowing gently and Faramir saw the slim figure of Eowyn, looking at the horizon. He felt his heart beat faster and moved closer.

Worried that she might make a sudden move and end up falling into the void, he approached her slowly and carefully.

When he reached her height, he looked at her and was surprised to see her expression.

Her golden hair was shining, but even brighter was the gleam in her eyes

Her golden hair shone, but even brighter was the glint in her eyes. Her hair slightly tossed in the wind, her gaze filled with deep sadness as she stared at the expanse at her feet.

Faramir coughed and she gasped, not having heard him coming. She turned her face away for a moment and Faramir saw her put her hand to her eyes, probably to wipe away her tears.

Out of politeness, he pretended not to notice her excitement and said:

-I am glad to find you up, my lady.

Eowyn looked into his eyes. Faramir's blue eyes were deep and she drowned in them for a moment.

For a moment she said nothing, but finally answered.

-I have heard your voice before. But I do not know who you are.

She was shocked to realise the obvious. He was the one who had watched over her during her recovery.

Faramir smiled and Eowyn's heart skipped a beat.

-That is very true, my lady. I am Faramir, youngest son of Denethor, late steward of Gondor. I am delighted to meet Theoden's niece at last.

He bowed, respectfully greeting Eowyn, who did not know what to say.

She smiled, hiding her embarrassment. He seemed so courteous that she was embarrassed. What a difference from some of her former suitors!

Faramir didn't know what else to say, so he suggested that Eowyn go and get something to eat. She accepted and Faramir led her to her room in the care wing, asking a servant to bring her some lunch.

Feeling that he was too much, once the meal arrived, he greeted Eowyn and took his leave.

She stood for a moment, staring blankly, surprised to find that she would have preferred him to stay.


In the throne room, the conversation had become more serious again. Gandalf was confessing to his companions that he had no idea of Sam and Frodo's fate. All remained silent for a moment when Gimli said:

-If Sauron had managed to find his ring we would have known.

Aragorn looked down.

-Certainly," he murmured. But how do we know how our hobbits are?

Faramir, who had just entered the room, remembered that a few days before he had come across two hobbits carrying the Ring of Power and followed by that hideous thing Gollum.

-Five days ago, fifty leagues east of here, on the border with Mordor, we came across two half-humans.

His statement provoked a flurry of questions from everyone.

Mithrandir called everyone to order and asked the questions for everyone else.

They were alive! Guided by Gollum and taking a dangerous path. So dangerous.

-What can we do to help them, Gandalf? Pippin asked with surprising seriousness.

-'Nothing. Unfortunately I fear.

-Yes!" exclaimed Aragorn. Let us raise an army and march on the Black Gate! Let us blind Saurons to anything but ourselves.

A silence greeted this risky but much needed plan.

Legolas murmured to himself:

-A diversion.

While all seemed undecided, except for Aragorn who was more than determined, Gimli, sitting and smoking on Denethor's ancient throne, said:

While all seemed undecided, except Aragorn who was more than determined, Gimli, sitting and smoking on Denethor's old throne, said:

-A sure death, a risky plan, a small chance of success? Well, what are we waiting for?

-A sure death, a risky plan, a low chance of success? Well, what are we waiting for?

A few smiles appeared on the faces of her companions. Elenwë looked at her brothers with amusement and Mithrandir smiled at Aragorn and Legolas.

-I will come with you," Faramir murmured.

Aragorn moved closer to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

-No... Faramir. You are a man of honour, but you will be needed here. And if I do not return...

-You will come back! Faramir cut him off. You will return... for to rule is your destiny and the choice of the Valar.

Aragorn bowed his head and hugged Faramir.

-I count on you my friend. he said.

-Come back alive. Faramir replied. Gondor needs its king.

Moved, Aragorn smiled at him.

-When will we leave? asked Elladan and Elrohir.

-The day after tomorrow. Aragorn and Mithrandir said together.

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