Chapter 6

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A/N: you lucky duckies! I have like nothing to do because my family is working on some stupid puzzle, and my niece and nephew are napping. so you guys get another update today! oh just so you know, when I update on my iPod, I capitalize words to show that the word should be overenunciated. kisses, Piper.



I get up and slap me alarm off. I changed me alarm to play music instead, which I should've done sooner. Going over to me closet, I pick out today's outfit. I think I should choose something warmer than yesterday. I ponder it for a bit.

I decide on blue Abercrombie and Fitch sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Then I throw on a pink hoodie. I put on my Uggs, pink smiley face earrings, and a small silver hoop earring for my cartilage. I also apply mascara, liquid eye liner, and some light link lipgloss.

After sliding down the banister, I walk into the kitchen where I find mum making breakfast. Lottie and Matt, surprisingly, are already dressed and seated at the table with Paps. Lottie's on one side of the table and Matt's on the other. Paps is at the head of the table, on the end. I sit next to Lottie, as I'm still mad at Matt.

I glare at him so that he knows that. He glares right back, so I stick me tongue out at him. Paps notices. "And what are we arguing about today?" He asks us. "Nothing," Matt and I simultaneously say. Paps frowns a bit, but doesn't ask more.

Mum finishes making breakfast. She sets it on the table and sits next to Matt. We all serve ourselves some pancakes and dig in. They're excellent, as usual. "Mmm. Mum, these are delicious! You're such a wonderful cook." I say. She beams and thanks me.

I finish eating and grab me bag and lunch. I won't forget it this time. As I head out the door, I see Henry is also just leaving. I smile at him and wave. He waves back and grins.


As I leave the house, I see Bridge. She smiles and waves at me, so I grin and wave back. I walk over to her. "Hey," I say. "Hullo," she responds. I look her up and down. Even in sweats and a hoodie, she's still absolutely stunning.

Looking at her, I find myself out of breath. "Bridgette..." I say. She looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. "Hmm?" She says. "You are so gorgeous, even in sweats." I say. Her face turns bright red. She looks doubtful, but thanks anyways.

I gently grab under her chin and look her right in the eyes. "Hey. I mean it." I say. She blushes more. I kiss her on the lips. Bridgette kisses back, but then pulls away giggling. "We should start walking," she says. I agree. I hold her hand and we walk to school, talking about Miss Carrows and how many cats she probably has.

As we walk into the school, that annoying girl from yesterday reappears. Ginny, I think her name is. Or something like that. She either doesn't notice that Bridge and I are holding hands, or she completely ignores it.

"Hullo HENRY," she purrs,"how are YOU? I'm doing GREAT! So ANYWHORE, I was WONDERING if you'd like to go to the MOVIES with me on FRIDAY." I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Sorry, I can't. For two reasons." I say. G-whatever asks what the reasons are. "Reason one: Bridgette and I are going on a date in Friday." I say. Bridge looks at me, obviously confused. Oh well. I'll explain later. "Reason two," I continue, "as I said yesterday, I am not interested." G-whatever pouts and stalks off.

"We're doing something on Friday?" Bridge asks as soon as G-whatever is out of earshot. "Bridge, would you like to do something together on Friday?" I ask. She smiles, laughs, and answers. "Of course. What did you have in mind?" "It's a surprise." We walk-run to homeroom.


Henry and I walk into homeroom together. We sit next to each other. About five minutes later, the bell rings. We leave Mr. Wessett's room and walk into Miss Carrows'. I sit down in me seat and Henry sits next to me. As usual, I tune out as soon as Miss Carrows starts talking.

Fifty minutes later, the bell rings. I pack up me things, and Henry and I walk to Mr. Tahuli's room. We sit down, and Mr. Tahuli walks in. He begins his lesson. Today it's about Newton's Laws of Motion.

He finishes up the lesson in forty minutes. Mr. Tahuli uses the last ten minutes to ask questions. He calls on Henry. "Henry, what is the first part of the first law?" Henry's head snaps up. "Uhm. An object in motion stays in motion?" "Correct! Genevieve, second part?" "An object at REST stays at rest." "Precisely! Bridgette, third part?" Wow that's an easy question. "Unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." "Marvelous!" Mr. Tahuli attempts to say, but isn't heard because the bell rings.

Henry and I walk to French class. We sit and are told by Mr. Derano to 'start having a conversation in French, of course! with our partner.' "It's your turn to start." I inform Henry. "Bonjour mon cher Bridgette! Vous bercer ces pantalons de survêtement, fille." I blush and laugh. "Pourquoi vous remercie, mon cher Henri! Et tu balancer ces jeans, garçon."

We go on like this, complimenting each other, until the bell rings. Then we head over to lunch. I sit next to me best friend out of our little group. Henry sits on the other side of me, next to Paul. They start a conversation.

"Hey Penny." I say to Penelope. "Hey Bridge," she says back, "wanna hang this weekend?" "But of course! It's me turn." I say. She rolls her eyes. "I know, no need to remind me. I'll be over at 10:00 on Saturday." Now I roll my eyes. "I know, no need to remind me." I say back, mimicking her. We both laugh. Then the bell rings.

Henry and I walk to drama. We walk in, talking loudly. Everyone is completely silent. They stare at us. Oops. We shut up immediately, and go sit down. Mrs. Panini waltzes in, very dramatically. "Salutations, class. Will Henry Samuels please stand up?" She says. Henry obliges. "Welcome, Henry." She says. He smiles and sits back down. Then Mrs. Panini starts her fifty minute lecture. I tune out.

The day is over, and Henry and I walk home. We talk about some little things.

A/N: okay Henry will meet Bridgette's family in the next chapter. xoxox Piper

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