Chapter 3

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Author'a Note: like I always say, thanks to those of you that are reading! Hope you're enjoying it!



We walk into the building together. Everyone is gawking at us. They're like 'who the hell is that and why is he with Bridgette? What about Alex?' Pssh well Alex is a dooche. We broke up a couple days ago. He cheated on me. With Jenna the slutbag. Anywhore, enough about Alex.

"Hulloooo there. I'm Genevieve," purrs this one girl that literally enunciates one word per sentence, "and you are?" She bats her fake eyelashes at him and tosses her bleached hair over one shoulder. "Not interested." Henry replies. I cover up my snickering with a fake cough. Clearly not very convincing, though, because Genevieve glares at me.

"Henry let me see your schedule." I ask him. He hands me it. "Thanks." "Yep." I start coughing. "Are you okay??" Henry asks me. "Yeah, it's just we have all our classes together." He smiles. "Hmm imagine that! I get to spend all of my school day with a lovely girl!" I blush madly. "A-and who might that be?" I ask. "You." He says. I blush even more and say "You really think so?" "Of course!" Henry says. "Besides, true loveliness comes from within. Not without. However, you are lovely within and out."

That's when I knew. I knew right then that I had fallen for Henry Samuels. Hard. I might even be... In love... With him.


When she questioned whether I actually thought she was lovely, I said "Of course! Besides, true loveliness comes from within. Not without. However, you are lovely within and out." It's so true. The first time I laid my eyes on her, I knew. I knew I had to have her. Help! I've fallen for Bridgette Porter, and I can't get up.

We walk to our first class. It's maths. My least favourite subject. At least I get to spend it with Bridge. Miss Carrows walks into the room and everyone shuts up. She seems like a no-nonsense kind of person. Maybe that's why she's still Miss and not Mrs.

"I believe we have a new student in our class. Henry? Henry Samuels?" Miss Carrows says. I raise my hand. "Right here." "Please come to the front of the classroom." I did as she said. "Class, this is Henry. He's the new student. Be respectful. Okay Mr. Samuels, go sit down now." I sat back down next to Bridge.

I don't think Bridge is paying attention to Miss Carrows. Well, neither am I. Not really. Only half listening. "If x equals 3, what is 10x divided by 5? Ms. Porter?" I hear Miss Carrows say. Bridge doesn't hear her. I nudge her abs inconspicuously point to Miss Carrows. Then I whisper 'six' to her.


"Ms. Porter?" Shite.. I wasn't paying attention. What the hell was the question!? Luckily, Henry nudges me and points to Miss Carrows. Then he whispers 'six' to me. "Hmm? Er, six?" I say. "Is that a question or a statement, Ms. Porter?" Miss Carrows asks me. "A statement. Six is the answer." I say. She frowns. "That is correct."

I know she only called on me because she knows I wasn't paying attention. Thankfully Henry was. "Thank you," I whisper to Henry. He just shrugs as if to say 'no biggie'. But it is a biggie. If it weren't for him, I'd most likely have detention this afternoon. Nothing better than detention with good ol' Carrows.

Maths is finally over and Henry and I head to science. At least Mr. Tahuli is nice. "Mr. Tahuli is nice, don't worry." I reassure Henry. He smiles a little side smile that makes my heart flip flop around in my chest. "Thanks," he says. "Really it's not a big deal. And thanks so much for the help in maths."

"Hey it was nothing." "Yes it was." "If you say so, Your Highness." "Hey!" I lazily smack his arm. Holy shite. He has huge muscles. Oh my god. He must've seen my reaction, and he laughs. "Don't look now, but there are muscles there!" He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes.


She gawks at me after she 'smacked' my arm. I laugh and say "Don't look now, but there are muscles there!" She rolls her eyes. We get to the science room and sit down next to each other.

We start talking. "So what part of Manchester do you live in?" I ask. "You mean like the street?" She says. "Yeah." "Oh well I live in a mansion on Mulberry Ave." My eyes bug out. "No way!! Me too!" "Really!? What house number?" "56." Now her eyes but out. "I live in 57!!" She says. I'm so happy! I live right next to her! "That's awesome!"

Mr. Tahuli walks in. He introduces me, then goes on about something to do with gravity. Science whizzes by in a blur. When it's over, Bridge and I go to French class. The teacher's name is Mr. Derano. He's balding. He's nice, though. Really nice.

Bridge and I get paired up to have a conversation in French. She's starting. "Bonjour Monsieur Samuels. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?" "Je fais exceptionnellement bien, surtout parce que je suis jumelé avec une belle dame." She blushes and smiles. "Je vous remercie! Vous êtes trop gentil! Où sur la terre avez-vous trouvé ces grandes ressources?"

The bell rings all too soon. We head down the halls to lunch.


The bell rings and Henry and I go down the hallway to lunch. Which is good, because I'm starving. Shite. I just remembered that in my haste to get away from me paps this morning, I not only didn't have breakfast, but I forgot me lunch as well. My stomach growls loudly.

We sit at me usual table with all me friends. I introduce Henry to Emily, Penelope, Josh, Jezzyca, Will, Adam, Anne, and Paul. Henry notices I don't have any food. "Oh my god Bridgette! Do you starve yourself!?" He asks. "What!? Hell no! I was just in a rush this morning and forgot me lunch." I respond. He looks relieved. "Thank god. I was worried." "No need to be." "I know that now."

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. Henry and I walk home together.

A/N: thanks everyone reading. Hope you like it. (:

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