Chapter 4

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A/N: Thanks some more to those of you who read my story. I really do appreciate it. This chapter will only be in Bridgette's POV. Next one will be in all Henry's. Then it'll be back to the norm


Damn it's cold out. I should've thought about that this morning whilst I was getting ready. I shiver a little and rub me arms. Henry notices and does the sweetest thing I've ever had done for me.

Henry takes his jacket off and puts it around me shoulders. Then he sort of holds me against him. "But aren't you cold now?" I ask him. "A little, but it doesn't matter. I'd rather you be warm than me." I blush a little and smile. "You sure?" I ask, a bit skeptically. "Mhm." Is the reply. "Thanks."

We walk the rest of the way home like this, him holding me to him. When we get there, I attempt to shake him off of me and give him back his jacket, but he has other plans. Henry doesn't let go of me. Instead he says something quite unexpected. "Can't I meet your family? Or are you too embarrassed of me?"

I blush and start stuttering. "W-what-t? O-of c-c-co-ours-se you can! I just.. I just didn't think you'd w-" My embarrassing blabbering is abruptly cut off. By Henry kissing me. On the lips.

Holy shite, what the bloody hell just happened?? He's blushing madly, and so am I. "Sorry... I just really wanted to do that.... I.. I really am sorry." He says awkwardly before trudging off to his house. What should I do!? Well, I've only known him since this morning.... But.... I like him. In that special way.

I've made up me mind. "Wait!" I say as I grab his shoulder and turn him around. He's about to say something. Something along the lines of 'save it. I don't want to hear it,' but he doesn't get the chance to. I kiss him.

At first he looks surprised, but then he rests his hands on my jaw and kisses back. Of course, this is when Matt just so happens to come outside. We pull away quickly. Awkward.

"So, who's this? New flavour of the week?" Matt asks, winking. I feel my cheeks grow hot. "What happened to Alex?" Matt asks. I'm really mad. Now Henry probably thinks I'm a player!

"Where have you been? Alex cheated on me a while ago. Matt, I know you have some serious.... Issues... But at least try to keep up, okay?" I say back. Now it's Matt's turn to be embarrassed. Ha. Serves him right.

"Whatever," Matt says and sulks back inside. "He was just joking," I say to Henry, "I've only had about 3 boyfriends in all 16 years of my life. I'm not a player." "Did you actually think I believed him?" Henry says. I can't help but feel relieved. "So.. Er. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day to meet me fam..?" I ask. "Yeah. Sounds good." He kisses me, then walks into his house and I head into mine.

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long, I've been busy doing stupid stuff like packing. Love you all! Kisses xoxox Piper

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