Chapter 8

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A/N: here is chapter 8! sorry it took so long, been busy with homework:( okay so I'm gonna call you guys my lovelies. well anywhore here it is:


I wake up. I can't open me eyes. I have a pounding headache, an awful stomach ache, and quite frankly, I feel sore all over. It smells like.... extreme cleanliness. It's immensely nausiating. I lean over the side of what I presume is a bed and heave. Gross. The thing I'm laying on(again, probably a bed) is very uncomfortable. It's hard, cold, and lumpy.

I finally open me eyes. Great. I'm in a damn hospital!! All I see around me is white. Unforgiving white. Did I mention I'm terrified of hospitals? Eurgh I think I'm gonna be sick... again. I pull me hair out of the way and retch.

"Shh baby, it's okay," someone says the next time I wake up. I look around trying to identify the voice. Moving me head makes me head throb more. I sigh in defeat. "Who's there?" I ask tentatively. "Your mum." The voice says. "Mum, what the blo-" I catch meself before I swear. Mum hates it when I swear. I start again. "What happened?" I ask. She sighs.

"You were with Henry, and you.. well, you fainted. So Henry screamed for me. I came running down the stairs. And I saw you, so I grabbed the telly. Then I called the hospital and an ambulance came and took you, Henry and I to the hospital. Your father drove over with Arty and Lottie. Of course this happened on Tuesday afternoon...." Mum trails off. I look at her.

I'm not stupid. I know what day it is. I decided I'll tell her that. "Mum, I'm not stupid. I know that it's Tuesday." She looks at me with a weird look in her eyes. "Sweetie... Today is Friday..." Mum tells me. This doesn't make any sense. She's probably joking. "Haha good one mum." Mum looks serious. I stop laughing. "Bridgette, I'm not joking."

The wave of realization hits me hard. I've been in a coma for... how many days? Well, since Tuesday and today's Friday. Er.... Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Three days. I've been in a coma for three whole days. "Where's Henry??" I ask me mum. "He's n-" Just then the door burst open and Henry is running into the room.

He's out of breath. "I.... came... as soon as... I found out... you had w...woken...up!!" He says, struggling to regain his breath. I stifle a laugh. I try to turn me head. I can't because it causes too much pain. I sigh in defeat, accepting the fact that I'm not feeling like me normal self.

"How much longer must I stay in this hell hole??" I ask, but quickly regret it. I forgot me mum is in the room. She just sighs and shakes her head. Okay so being in pain does have some advantages... "I'll go ask." Mum says. She gets up and leaves to go find a doctor. "Henry?" I say. "Yes babe?" He replies. "I love you..." I say faintly. He smiles and begins to say something. I don't get to hear his response because I black out again.


"I love you..." Bridgette says feebly. I smile. "I love you too," I say back. Because it's true. I do love her. She doesn't say anything. I look over at her. She hasn't heard what I said because she's blacked out again. I feel panic rising in my chest. Breathe, Henry. Breathe. She'll be alright. I press the big red help button that is located on her bed.

A nurse, a doctor, and a very frantic looking Mrs. Porter come running into the room. "What happened?!?" The doctor demands to know. "We were just talking. And all of a sudden she doesn't reply, so I look over at her. That's when she blacked out again." I am deliberately vague about what we were talking about.

Mrs. Porter bursts into tears. "I'm afraid I'll have to ask both of you to exit the room." Doctor-I-Don't-Know-His-Name says. I look at his name tag. It says 'Dr. Armstrong.' Mrs. Porter seems angered by the doctor - Dr. Armstrong - 's words. "She's me daughter!!!!" Mrs. Porter basically shrieks. Dr. Armstrong answers calmly. "I know she is, Margaret, but you both need to leave the room." Mrs. Porter is yelling now. "I WILL NOT LE-"

I don't hear the rest of her words because I go into the lobby. I see Mr. Porter, Arthur, and Lottie sitting in the waiting room. "Hen-" Lottie starts to talk to me, probably about Bridge, but I'm not in the mood. I leave the hospital and stand outside. I call my mom. "Come get me." I say emotionlessly. "I will if you ask nicely." She says. I hang up. I'm not in the mood for manners. Actually, I'm not in the mood for anything.

Since my mom won't give me a ride, I decide to walk home. It isn't that far. Just 20 minutes. Manchester isn't as big as everyone thinks it is. I start walking.

After close to 5 minutes of walking, it starts raining. No, that's an understatement. Pouring is the word. I sigh and pull my hood up. a couple minutes later, it's gone from raining to a full blown torrential downpour. Within seconds I'm completely soaked.

I finally get home. I go up to my room, ignoring everyone's questions. They're asking about Bridgette and about why I'm soaking wet. They're idiots. Haven't they looked outside? I think it's pretty simple to put two and two together. I'm soaking wet and it's raining outside. Bingo! I walked home from the hospital.

Once I'm in my room, I change into something warm and dry. My navy blue sweatpants and a grey tshirt with some logo on it. Then i collapse on my bed. It's a good thing we don't have homework tonight because if we did, I wouldn't do it.

A/N: sorry I've been taking so long to upload:/ forgive me? thank you(:

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