A merry surprice

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One sunny morning Emely and Tess sits inn the livingroom, eating breakfast. Talking about everything and nothing.

Fili and kili comes inn, armored from topp til bottom. Fili sits by Emely lays an arm over her shoulders "you ready, princss?" Smiling adorably at Tess Kili urges "Yeah, come on love, lets go." Tess and Emely looks confused at each other. Looking at Fili "for what?" Emely wonder. "What" Tess looks at Kili.

Kili jumps up of the chair "we're gonna go to the training grounds, come on." Tess and Emely looks at each other "hell yeah!" Tess yells, she jumps up of the chair and almost runns both brothers down. Emely just laughs of Tess entusiasm and follow her out, the brothers not far behind.

The boys catches up to the girls catches up to theme, grabs each of the girls hands and runns faster towards the training grounds. All of theme laughing and Emely stumbeling a few times, everytime she fals Fili is there helping her up.

When they reach the grounds Tess picks up a sword, starts swinging it around. Kili grabs one as well "come on, show me what you got." Tess gets into a fighting position "come on my love, fight me."

Fili goes for the daggers to throw at blinks, Emely does the same to stand beside him getting ready to throw some daggers. Then smiling Emely gets an idea "hey, why dont we make this a competition?" Fili smirks at her with overconfidence "all right, what do we get if we win? Wiggeling his eyebrows.

Tess answers "nothing... Maybe a kiss?" Both brothers yell "hell yeah." Tess swings from side to side "come on Kili, attack me." Kili jumps forward and attack her. Tess blocks it "Ladies does not start fights..." she swings her sword around and then throw Kili's away with hers and smirks "... But they can finnish theme."

Fili bows jokingly at Emely waivs his hand toward the blinks smirking at her "Ladies first." Emely pouts "oh... Come on we do it at the same time. Come on 3... 2... 1... let go." Fili hits the middle of the blink, while Emely hit far away from the middle of it. He looks at Emely with a smug smile. "Humph... Show of" she throws another blade and hits the middle.

After 15-20 minuites Fili and Emely had also changed to sword fighting. Kili and Tess still going at it swinging they're swords over they're heads. Some time later Kili and Fili shared a look smirking. Tess Knew someting was up "I know this smirk, what are you going to do?"

The girls did not know there was something planed for theme. When the girls attacked, the brothers both turned inn an angle so that the swords did not hitt theme, but the girls did not see they were faking it.

Both brothers yelled loud as if they were hitt and fell to the ground. Emely let the sword go and held her hands to her face "Fili!" And Tess threw away hers "Kili, are you ok?" They hower above the brothers trying to find the wonds. Tess frustrated yelled "dang it, where are those wonds?" Emely was still shaking looking for a wond "Fili, im so sorry."

Suddenly with a nervous smile, they sits up on one knee inn front of theme. They take something out of both of they're pockets. Looking at they're girlfriends they're holding up a golden ring. It had a big white diamont inn the middle with small ones circeling the big diamont. They nervesly ask simultaneous "Emely/Tess, will you marry me?"

Tess holds her hand to her mouth "..." Emely doing the same mumble behind her hands "oh Fili. Yes" then yells the answer "YES" jumps at Fili sending theme to the ground. Fili helps Emely up and slide the ring on her finger.

Tess gets out of her shock and answer "Yes. Of course!" And hugs Kili tightly. Kili smiles takes her hand inn his to putt the ring on her finger. Tess kiss him butt then pushes him slightly "You're still stupid to do this to me... I nearly had an heart attack. Kili just laughs and kisses her again.

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