Meeting mother-in law

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Looking down at Belle, Tess asked "where are you're parents, Belle?"

Sniffing looking from one to the other she wispered "they are dead." And started to cry. Emely satt down by Tess "oh my, sweety." Looking at Tess fighting not to cry herself.

Tess just looked at Emely and then back to Belle "oh."

Tess turned to Emely "what should we do?"

Kili and Fili looked at each other with alarm. Then looking around for danger.

Emely looked from Tess tho they're husbands. "Fili we have to take her with us. We cant just leave her here."

Fili grabbed her hand: "I don't think this is a good idea M'lady."

Emely for the first time got really angry with Fili "how would you feel if you where the one in need and no one helped you. She's a child for gods sake, we can't leave her here." Turning to Belle "here sweety take some bread and water. Slowly with the water." Holding the food out to Belle.

Tess smiles at Belle "We're going to take her with us and that's it."

Kili just looked at his brother "come on, brother."

Fili sighed: "Fine then."

Emely found some clothes inn the bag to give Belle to change into. "Here let me help you change. Theyre bigg but i'll make it fitt you. Tess while i do the clothes more her sice could you see if she got wounds that need cleaning?"

"Yep." Tess starts searching for wounds.

With a small voice Belle took the food and lett Tess seach for wounds "thank you."

Fili and Kili weaponds inn hand, stood protectively at each side of they're wifes looking for trubble.

Tess just stood up and smiled at her while she stared to rip her dress in pieces for Belle's wounds.

Emely found emergency bag and gave it to Tess "here."  She then found one of her old dresses, ripping it up so it would fitt Belle. Holding up a ragg "Fili could you use this to dipp it inn the lake so we could was Belle up a bitt."

Fili nods and holds it into the lake.

Kili sits down by Belle side talking to her "where are you from little one?" For a distraction for the big wounds.

Belle tried to be brave, not to show it hurt when Tess cleaned one wound on her arm that an orc had hitt with a knife. "Our villige was attacked by orcs, my mom told me to run and dad was fighting a orc." She sniffed "i stopped by the forest hid behind the trees and watched my parents get killed." Rubbing her hands inn her face to stopp the tears.

Tess gave her a sad look.

She looked at Kili "the village is not so far away. I ran the whole night and got exausted when i came here and hid under that bush." Pointing at the bush.

Kili nodded.

Emely tried to hide her tears while mending to the clothes to fitt the little girl.

Fili frowned having heard the tale coming back with the cold ragg, he satt down inn front of Belle, reaching forward to clean her face carefully.

Tess wrappes her dress pieces around the wounds.

Emely finished the dress "here try this on. I hope it fits." She smiled. "I'll help you. Boys turn around." She waived with her fingers at theme.

Tess also helped putting the dress on.

Fili and Kili turn around. Kili looked at his brother "come on brother lets take her with us. She needs help."

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