|<Chapter 6>|

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[Picture of Ash to the side or up. Just imagine her, but with blue hair, like the blue on the cover.]

Ash's P.O.V

2 years later.

I was blind folded and tied to a chair. " Just tell us where it is, and we'll make it easy for you" my captors said.

"I'll never tell you where it is! I would rather die then tell you!"

"Then you give us no choice." a different voice said.

I heard footsteps, 5 pairs of them. They were getting closer. Suddenly I felt hands tickle my sides, and I couldn't help but laugh. "S-Stop ... P-Please, I'll t-tell you w-where the jelly b-beans are!"

"Where are they you theif!!"Samantha yelled. "they're in my room in my desk, behind my bag."

I heard 4 pairs of footsteps run away and 1 walk closer to me. the blind fold was taken off and Samantha shows her face. " That wasn't very nice Sam." I whisper.

"Oh, shush." She kisses me on the cheek. [ OMEGOSH!!! Yes I made Ash/Violet Bi-sexual, but I really think there's not enough of this type of person in wattpad. If you no likey ... DEAL WITH IT!! ]

She untied me and we went to the kitchen, where Vince, Xander, AND Calum were eating my Jelly beans. I gave them my signature death glare and they held the almost empty bag up with smiles on there faces. Oh, if Sam wasn't here I would totally beat these guys up.

"Vinny, why you gotta be eatin' ma beans!" I say in a pout. " Im sorry Ash, but there good! And good tasting things need to be eaten!" He said matter-of-factly. "Well I don't care. THOSE WERE MY BEANS!!!!"

I hugged Sam and pouted. Soon the alpha came in with a sad and mad face. 'That's weird, it take a lot to get him sad, even more to get him angry.'

"Alpha Kyle, what's wrong."

"I just got a message from the council, we don't have enough members to contribute to a pack. So they're pairing us up with 2 other packs."

"What packs?" I questioned.

He sighed "The StarSoul pack and the FireNight pack"

"No" I whispered. Not those packs! The two packs that have caused me harm, are the packs I have to join! You have got to be kidding me!

---------I WAS going to stop her but, Nah--------Time skip--------

I can't believe it, well it isn't really the councils fault, they didn't know. I thought as I packed. At least Sam was coming with. You see, Sam is kind of a witch, her coven is letting her come with me because she knows I'm her mate, and well, you can't be away from your mate too long,unless you're rejected.

I was done packing, so I went down stairs. The rest of the crew was already there. I knew why we had to move, our pack had 5 members, Kyle, Xander, Vince, Calum, and me, if you didn't count Sam.

We nodded at each other and went outside to the trucks. Sam and me will not be ridding in the cars, we ride on a two person motorcycle. We got our helmets on and started to ride off.

-------- TIME SKIP--------

We were almost there, we were gathering on FireNight land because they had a bigger house. Sam and me were the last one on the trail. Vinny and Kyle in one truck, Xander and Calum in the other, and me and Sam, the last.

I saw the pack house and started to get nervous, I don't think they will recognize me now that my sent and everything about me is different. I had blue hair with black in it, tattoos all
over my arms, and thanks to Sam and her coven, my sent is different.

The trucks parked outside the pack house and we just stopped. The boys got out of the cars and Sam and I stayed on the motorcycle with our helmets on. We had parked pretty close to the house so we could see and hear everything clearly.

"Hello, you must be Alpha Kyle. Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack"

"Yes I am, and you must be Alpha James from the FireNight Pack." Kyle said, Coldly?

James gave him an awkward look. He looked pack at Xander, Vince, and Calum. "Which one the these is your pack fighter?" Greyson, who I just noticed was here, said. "I'm guessing it's the buff one." He said pointing to Calum.

"Um, no, I'm not near the strength of the pack fighter."

I took of my helmet and so did Sam. We got of and I put my arm around Sam's shoulder. We walked up to them and I said. "I am the pack fighter."

Greyson and James look as if they were about to bust out with laughter."Quit daydreaming kid, girls aren't warriors!"

My pack and me looked dead serious and there laughter died down. "Oh, wait you're serious? I'm sorry but she's not even muscular! All bone."

James tried to touch my arm to show that I didn't have muscles and I flipped him onto his back.

"Don't touch me." I said through clenched teeth.

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