oh Katie

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Katie is having a mental breakdown over something for no reason. I walked in  and asked " Are you okay?"  Katie held her stomach and said " yeah I am fine." I looked at her and said "obviously not. You are in pain and discomfort." Katie looked at me and said " Two words..peri..iod." I knew that she started. I sat down beside her rubbing her back and asked" Do you have a heating pad anywhere?" Katie pointed to her table and said "it's right there." I plugged in the heating pad and gave it to Katie. I was cramping really bad and since the heating pad was big enough for both of us i used it too. We sat on the floor for about 2 hours and then mom came in my room and asked " Do you girls need anything from the store?" I looked at Katie and said " Pads for me and tampons for Katie." Mom looked at me and said " Okay honey see you when I get back." Mom walked out of my room and Katie fell asleep on my stomach. I tapped Katie on the shoulder and said " hey you can move to my bed my stomach is hurting right now." We went up to my room to lay down on my bed for a while. My stomach pain got worse and i looked at Katie and said " Mom needs to hurry up and get here."
Mom came into my room and asked " who needs the pads?" I looked at her and said " Me." Katie grabbed the pads too and said and i need these."

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