Sick 😷

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After i got home from school mom looked at me and asked " Honey are you okay?." I was dizzy for a second but I said " Nah I'm gonna go lay down." Katie came home a few minutes later and asked " Oh God Alexa are you okay?" I was barley asleep but i said " I don't know Katie i feel sick." She gave me a hot rag and said " put this on your head." I put it on my head and looked at Katie and said " i don't wanna go through this."  She looked at me and said " I know." I looked at the clock and asked " What time is it?" Katie looked at me and said " 3:00pm." I looked at her and said " I need my meds." Katie handed me my meds and asked " What do you take these for?" I looked at her and said " nausea." She looked at me and said " Okay." Dad walked into my room and asked " how you holding up kiddo?" I took the rag off my head and said " fine." He looked at me and asked " Did you take your meds?" I looked at him and said " YES DAD I DID." he walked out of my room and went down to the living room.

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