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Mom came down to the living room and asked me " What are you wearing?" I looked at her and rolled my eyes and said " an outfit Mon." Dad came up to me and asked " WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOUNG LADY?" I looked at him and said " I am gonna change my outfit." I came back down to the living room and said " Here we go. I am going out with friends love you." I ran out the door to the baseball game. While i was on my way to the baseball game my stomach started to hurt really bad and i called Katie and said " Come and pick me up from the baseball game i don't feel good." When Katie picked me up she looked at my outfit and asked " Wtf are you wearing?" I looked at her and said " An outfit." After we got home i ran into my room and went to sleep. Jake came into my room and said " Hey baby." I smiled and said " Hey." My stomach pain got worse and he asked " you doing okay baby?" I looked at her and said " yeah i am fine ." i was lying but i took my feeding tube out and went to sleep. Jake put his hand where my feeding tube was and he asked " Does this hurt?" I couldn't feel it but i said " No it doesn't hurt it feels fine " I put my breathing mask on as well and went to sleep.

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