New friends

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When i got to class a saw a new girl in my class i had no idea who she was so i went over to her and asked " What's your name?" She looked at me and said " Anna Keaton." The name sounded familiar so I asked " You played softball last year right?" She looked at the floor and said " Yeah- Wait your Alexa Mendoza right?" I said " Yeah!." I went to my seat and suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I raised my hand to go to the hallway and Anna came with. She asked me " you doing okay Alexa?" I held my stomach and said " I wish i was Anna but i don't know." Anna looked at me and said " I can walk you down to the nurse." She helped me up and I said " Nah I think I'm..." I Suddenly fell back and Anna caught me and said " Whoa Alexa go sit down i will get the nurse for you." I sat down and wrote down something in my notebook " Dear diary I met a girl named Anna she is really nice and I think we might become friends." The nurse came up to me and said " Im gonna take your temp it might be high." My temmepture was only 92.3 so i was fine. Obviously not so I called mom and said " Come over to the school and pick me up."


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