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When I got home from the hospital i gave mom and dad the ultra sound photo and said " Here you go you can yell at me later." I ran up to my room and gave Katie the other paper work and said " Hey bestie." Katie looked at me and said " Give me the paper work." I gave her the paper work and asked " What am I gonna do?" Katie asked me " Does mom and dad know?" I looked at her and said " Yeah kinda." Jake came into my room and asked me " Is everything okay?" I looked at him and said " Yeah everything is okay."
I rolled my eyes at Katie and said " I am dead." She looked at me and said "  No when I had Cam mom and dad helped me trough it." I laid down beside Katie and asked her " Will i be able to do this?" My mind was racing with thoughts but Katie said " Of course you can. You are great with Cam he loves you." She was right i was good with Cam so rasing a kid with Jake was not going to be easy but it was gonna be fun. Mom walked in the door and said " I saw the paper work I am happy for you." Dad came up to my room and said " i am happy for you but mad at you too."  I knew someone was going to be mad at me so dad said " you are going to live with Katie for 9 years and then you come back." He walked out of my room and Katie asked me " Do you wanna pack your bags?" I looked at my bags and said " No i got it you can get in the car Jake is driving." 

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