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Hello there my little rodents! Firstly I would like to thank Holychristianchild for letting me review their character! Secondly, thank you, reader, for clicking on my book, I really hope you appreciate it and keep on reading my chapters to come! <3


Quote: "Ha take that you fucking Russian loser commie. It must be so embarrassing, losing a winter game against a tropical country." -Jamaica 1994 Winter Olympics after the team beat Russia.

This is quite telling of her personality.

HUMAN NAME: Gabrielle Amancia Sharpe-Gordon.  Gabrielle is the most popular name in Jamaica, the middle name, Amancia is a name of Jamaican origin and the two last names are after two of our national heroes, Samuel Sharpe, and George William Gordon.

I like her name, and I also like how it has importance.

Born: Discovery Bay/Bahia del descubrimiento (it was the first place the Tainos settled and the first place Christopher Colombus docked.)

GOVERNMENT: Unitary Parliamentary and Constitutional Monarchy. 

FOUNDING DATE: The island was 'discoverd' by Christopher Colombus on the 5th of May, 1494. 

INDEPENDENCE DATE: Was granted independence from England on the 6th of August, 1962. 

Everything here is fine since it's just facts about the country.


NATIONAL: Jamaican Patois 

OFFICIAL: Jamaican Standard English She can also speak Spanish (since you know, first colonizer), French and Dutch (from the Caribbean), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (because of the close relations), and the language of her native people, the Arawaks.

This is fine.

Age: Appears to be 20 (did this because I saw a suggestion that countries that were colonized earlier, would be older), in term of Independence 58 and in terms of colonization, 526 years old or between 1121 and 1111 since to me she was born soon after the Tainos settled which was sometime between 800 and 900 AD.

So is she considered an older country/person? Which one is the oldest, just so people like me have a comparison.

BIRTHDAY: August 6 


GENDER: Female (I did this because, in modern and historical times, women have always had an important role in politics.)

This is cool, and interesting to see that women were important in politics.

ASSOCIATIONS: CARICOM (Caribbean Community, was one of the four founding members, along with Guyana, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago, in 1973.) The United Nations (since 1962) The Commonwealth (since 1962) G-15 G-33 G-77 UN Security Council (temporarily in 1992 and 2001 was president in July 2000 and November 2001) The organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) Food and Agricultural Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Aligned Movement Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) The organization of American States World Health Organisation World Trade Organisation, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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