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Thank you so much to annflan for letting me review their OC, please go their profile and subscribe to them. Thanks <3


This character and universe is still in the works. 

I will keep that in mind, thank you for letting me know!

Fandom: Original. it's a fantasy universe, where the population is entitled to what is basically a familiar, called Bonds in this world. These Bonds are determined at age five, and are chosen through amulets. Your Bond can be any animal, beetles, elephants, lions, trout— whatever amulet the person connects to is what they get. Furthermore, the closer you become with your Bond, the more their abilities will rub off on your own. (If you have an amazing connection with a cat, for example, you may have enhanced eyesight in the dark, or enhanced agility). Bonds will live as long as their human counterparts will in terms of natural lifespan. However, if their human counterpart is killed, majority pass away due to grief. This also happens to humans whose Bonds are killed, they also lose all abilities gained from their bond. It is a very tragic and mentally damaging process. It's illegal for someone over the age of five to not have a Bond. There is a group of people, a Clan, who do not have Bonds. They live separated from the society that surrounds themselves around Bonds. Instead, they hunt down Bonds and kill them, and transfer their life force into items (usually masks, or necklaces). When wearing these masks or items, you are able to shift into the animal you killed. The character for review is part of this Clan. 

This is an interesting concept that I really like! Keep going with this idea!

Name: Karik (he does not have a surname)

Does he not have a surname for his character, like the clan doesn't have a surname? or have you not come up with one?

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Orientation: bisexual

R/S status: single

I see nothing wrong here.

Crush: Alec Terras (unrequited and complicated)

I need to hear about this, so hopefully you explain this...this tea.

Species: Human

Personality: vain, very confident in his physical appearance. Over-zealous, tends to "jump the gun" on risky situations, especially if those situations won't harm him emotionally. Naïve, overly trusting and revealing to people he likes, whether or not they like him back. Very sincere and passionate with everything he does, tries to take the path that makes most people happy. Humorous, but often flippant. Strong moral compass. Optimistic, mostly in an arrogant way. Emotionally obtuse, but physically observant. Tends to seek out approval. Incredibly loyal. 

Interesting that you made him extremely arrogant and full of himself but also made him loyal. There is nothing wrong with this, but you don't see that often in an OC so good job with that!

Hobbies: Likes going on runs and keeping active, as well as sculpting and wood carving.

Is there a reason he likes sculpting and wood carving?

Habits: taps his foot/shakes his leg when nervous. Also ruffles his hair. 

I actually do the same so...good habits!

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