Samuel Kohler

165 3 7

This is also @Bokukkokhmer who did Avril Delacroix in the last chapter. Thank you so much for giving me these two wonderful Oc's to review. I appreciate you, little rodent <3


Fandom: Original. Same as Avril.

Name: Samuel Kohler (Pronounced the German way)Name meaning: Samuel is a name that is used across Europe and can either mean either "name of God" or "God has heard". Kohler is a German occupational surname meaning "charcoal burner" or "charcoal seller".

Nicknames: Sammy, Mr. Delacroix (a joking nickname that Avril's brothers use that will be further explained in Extras), Grandpa Long Legs (Avril calls him this due to his tall height and him being 12 years her senior)

I think everything here is fine. You do a good job of explaining the meaning behind the characters' name and nicknames.

Age: 38

Sex: Male

This is good.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Dope, some nice bisexual representation.

Relationship Status: He starts out single but as the story progresses he gets married.

I still find this super cute.

Crush: Avril Delacroix


Species: HumanPersonality: Samuel is shown to be rather awkward and shy, especially around Avril. His father calls him emotional and sympathetic to others, but a hard worker. He's also known for being patient and courteous, helping to raise his siblings without a single complaint and asking to be discharged from hospital after he fainted from overexertion.Samuel is not known for talking, often letting his art speak for him ("as most artist do"), but when he does speak, it's usually very wise words, or in the case of Avril, very romantic.

I think this is super cute. I also like how you stated how he acts to different characters, like how he is somewhat different towards his family, his love interest, and everyone else.

Hobbies: Poetry, cooking, childcare, harp playingHabits: Eats any candy that's meant to be broken by biting into it, does wrist exercises without realizing it, tests the heat of a surface by hovering his hand over the area, wakes up at 4 AM without an alarm

The harp playing and some habits seem a little random, but they somehow work haha.

Likes: Poetry, Kaiserschmarrn, Avril, springtime, shades of purple, star gazing, home-based hobbies

Dislikes: Appel strudel, his name being mispronounced on purpose, dark yellow, anything medical (it's too grotesque for his liking and he's squeamish), when Avril makes negative comments about herself, beets

Most of these are alright. However, he dislikes anything medical, but works in a hospital? Is there a reason that he work there even though he dislikes it? Does he do it for Avril? Does he only clean?

Powers: Samuel is a guardian, he hunts malicious supernatural creatures with ease. He has strength and stamina that's considered average for a guardian, and he's shown to be good with a gun.Samuel is shown to be excellent at housework, as that's what he does for the most part, as he has 14 other siblings who guard. He sometimes works as a interpreter, speaking Austrian German, Dutch, Spanish and English.

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