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Jaylee's POV

After we all finished our dinner, I decided to go outside and search for Zayn since he never showed up. I was starting to worry about him, wondering why he wasn't eating and why he was avoiding everyone in the household, including me. I exhaled as I looked around the yard, hoping to find Zayn close by despite it being quite dark outside.

I then noticed a dark figure sitting down on the swing Zayn made in the distance, causing a slight smile to appear on my lips. I slowly started approaching him as my feet crunched above the grass, hoping I wasn't going to interfere with his alone time.

"Zayn?" I called out softly as the wind began to pick up, blowing my shirt around slightly.

He then looked up at me, not showing a smile just yet as our eyes met. "Hi... I was looking for you." I informed before I looked down at the empty seat next to him.

"May I sit?" I questioned as I realized he wasn't saying a word.

He nodded his head before he scooted over, allowing room for me to sit down. "Thank you." I smiled gently as I sat next to him.

"So I'm guessing you're not hungry?" I asked as I tried to strike a conversation with him. It's not like Zayn to be this quiet and reserved. He normally opens up around me.

"I can care less for food right now." He said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the large field before us.

"Then what do you care about right now?" I asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You." He responded after a few seconds of silence.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him, slowly studying his actions.

"It's always you Jaylee." He answered as he slightly looked down.

"What are you thinking of exactly?" I asked as I scooted a little closer, still keeping my eyes on him.

"How much I don't deserve you. Or any of us in that matter." He replied as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because it's true. You know it yourself." He sighed.

"How could you say that? You do so much for me-"

"No Jaylee. You don't get it. We don't deserve you. We never will." He said sternly as I widened my eyes slightly.

"Is this what's bothering you? You know it's negative right? To put yourself down so low." I said as he sighed again.

"It's nothing I'm not use to." He replied as he looked away.

"But you do realize how much I love and care for every single one of you right?" I explained as he shook his head.

"Don't say that." He snapped all of a sudden as I closed my mouth.

"We don't deserve you. I don't know why you chose to stay with us anyways. You should of stayed home." He said bitterly as my eyes widened.

"I stayed because I knew I would be the safest with you all. And that you guys would understand how I felt. How it felt to lose the people you love." I replied before I grabbed his arm.

He flinched as I touched his skin, quickly looking at me with harsh eyes. Something was eating him inside and I didn't know why. But I felt bad for him.

"I don't think this was the best choice." He said as I sighed.

"Zayn.... stop fighting yourself. None of this is your fault. If you're blaming what happened to me on yourself, stop. I don't want you to do that. I need you to believe that I freely chose to be with you guys. I don't mind being here. I enjoy your company. And believe it or not.... you've helped me in ways no one else would of." I spoke as we locked eyes.

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