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Jaylee's POV

My chest rose and fell as I looked at all of them while I stood still by the living room, picturing what scenario would work best in order for me to escape. Anger began to boil inside my bones, giving me sort of an adrenaline that would pump energy through my veins. I narrowed my eyebrows as I prepared my body for a fight, realizing they were going to do all that they could to keep me here.

I was determined to get the heck out of here, while they were determined to trap me here. It's just like phase one, exactly like the first time they ever captured me. And if they don't think this is worse, they're absolutely wrong. This is so much worse than the first time. They betrayed me. They used me. They broke my heart and my trust. How could they?

"Jaylee.... please say something." Zayn said as he looked like he was on the verge of throwing up. He didn't look too good at all. I could tell he saw how hurt and betrayed I looked. I hope he knew. Cuz I was beyond hurt from them, I was angry. And I never get angry.

I then quickly glanced beside me to see that there was a small black night stand by the one seater chair in the living room, already planning a move inside my head. I didn't hesitate to bend down and grab it, lifting it in the air before throwing it right at Louis. Everyone gasped including him, not realizing I was going to react this way as he fell to the ground with the table breaking above him.

I quickly made my way towards Zayn, catching him off guard as I hit him hard in the throat, kicking him in the chest as soon as he bent forward. Right when he stumbled backwards, I knocked him down to the ground by wrapping my leg behind his and pulling backwards. I then dashed past him before I ran down the hallway, trying to remember the house correctly to see if there was a way out.

There's a window in the bathroom.

I steadied my breathing as I made my way towards the bathroom, hearing Liam, Harry, and Niall chase after me. I realized that from this moment on, it's entirely up to me to make it out of here. If all of them are on each other's side and aren't willing to comply with me, they won't let me go. I couldn't believe I was going through an entire round two with these guys.

I already went through this situation with them and now I have to go through it again. How convenient for me. The only upgrade I have is the fact that I'm way stronger and smarter than I was before. I now have muscles and better skills than I did in the past.  I at least have an advantage. But going against five of them, all absolutely obsessed and determined to keep me here... might not be in my favor. This might be a lot harder than I think. But I won't give up. I will do everything I can to fight and escape.

"Jaylee! Come back here! Don't do something you'll regret!" Liam called out as I slid in the bathroom before I slammed the door, locking it immediately right after. They began pounding on the door and twisting the knob as I ran towards the shower and unlocked the window, quickly opening it up.

I let out a breath as my hands began to shake, feeling the pressure of making it out of here safely. I needed my phone but I knew I wouldn't be able to reach it right now since I only had one choice of a room to take. And this was the only one with the window.

I then punched the screen off the sill before I jumped up and grabbed the outside of the house, pulling myself as best as I could. I huffed as I struggled to lift myself up, using my feet to give myself a push. Why do I have to be shorter than the darn window?

I groaned before I put my mind to it and pulled myself through the window, gasping as I almost fell face first. I felt the cold air greet my skin as I shoved myself out of the opening, falling straight on the grass. As soon as I got up and recollected myself, I heard footsteps running towards me out of the blue, catching me completely off guard.

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