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Jaylee's POV


I jumped from my spot and turned around, widening my eyes as my heart started thumping against my chest violently. Crap, I've been caught.

"What are you doing in here?" Harry asked, somehow calming my nerves once I realized it wasn't Louis.

Hurry, think of something.

"I was looking for my hair tie." I spoke quickly, trying my hardest to not look suspicious.

"Your hair tie?" Harry seemed to have a hard time believing me as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but I got it." I stretched my lips into a weak smile as I lifted up the hair tie that was wrapped around my wrist.

"You really think I'm gonna believe that?" Harry questioned as he walked up to me and towered over my body, breathing down on my face.

"Louis isn't around, and I couldn't find my hair tie. Why would I want to walk in here while he's around?" I questioned back as I raised my eyebrows.

He stared down at me for a while, meditating on my response before he exhaled slowly.

"You better not be trying anything." Harry spoke sternly as he looked me up and down.

"I just needed this- I'll be on my way." I responded as I started walking away from him.

Thankfully he didn't say anything after that, he just waited for me to leave before he left the room himself and went about his day.

My curiosity didn't seem to leave quite yet as I slowly approached Zayn, watching as he made himself comfortable on the couch. As soon as he heard me walk in, his eyes met mine and instantly lit up, flashing me a gentle smile.

"You're back." He smiled as I sat next to him.

"Yeah I decided I'd shower later." I replied as he looked at me.

"And change later too I take it." He chuckled as I glanced at him with confusion.

Oh shoot. I forgot I told him I was going to change.

"Oh yeah... I totally forgot." I chuckled as we both smiled at each other.

"Do you want me to make you lunch?" Zayn asked as he faced me.

"Uhh no actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." I spoke more quietly this time, not wanting the others to hear.

I was going to take advantage of the other guys not being around so that I could talk privately with Zayn. I knew he would be honest with me and help me out.

"Okay what's up?" He asked as he scooted more.

"I- hmm.. I don't know exactly how to word this.... But I just.... I've been thinking about this a lot and I can't seem to get it out of my head." I started as Zayn nodded his head.

"Okay." He responded.

"Lately.... I've been really worried.... And concerned about my parents. I haven't heard any of you mention their names, or even mention their state. Like.... I don't even know if they're still alive or if they have enough to eat. I've never seen Louis, or either of you guys leave once to check up on them." I vented as Zayn looked me deeply in the eyes.

"I'm sorry you've been feeling that way Jaylee... that must be really hard for you. And I get where you're coming from... I really can't imagine how you must be feeling about all of this. But.... Louis is the only one who has access to the camera footage of the place your parents are staying at. So.... I don't even know myself." Zayn responded honestly as I held my breath.

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