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Jaylee's POV

"So what do you guys think about Jaylee's outfit?" Louis asked as he brought me into the room after the guys got settled in from their trip.

I looked away as I felt all their eyes on me, disinterested in what was taking place since I went through this before. I always hated when they all would look at me, knowing they were slowly taking in every inch of my body.

After spending hours of trying on all the clothes with the struggle of my leg and with the embarrassment of Louis watching, we finally agreed on the outfit I was now wearing. It was tight high waisted black skinny jeans, a low cut black shirt that tucked inside my pants, a red cropped leather jacket, and black platformed combat boots.

I felt higher than usual, and having a wounded leg 24/7 wasn't ideal, but at least I'm wearing something that covers my entire body.

"Damn girl, your body rocks everything!" Harry complimented as I felt my cheeks heat involuntarily.

"It looks great on her. Everything fits so well." Liam remarked as I noticed he was eyeing me.

"I love it. She rocks it." Niall agreed.

"Although the innocent look suits her best, I think she looks amazing in just about everything." Zayn said as he rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger.

"We finally came to an agreement on this outfit, and I think this can be her icon. The red jacket." Louis spoke proudly as he picked at my clothes and showed me off like I was some trophy he just won.

"Red suits her for sure." Harry nodded his head as Liam looked deep in thought.

He then moved forward and approached me, causing my heart rate to increase as I tried to act calm. He lifted my chin up and stared at me dead in the eyes, slowly intimidating me as I forced myself to not come off as frightened.

"Nirvana." He whispered as he examined my face.

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion as everyone else looked puzzled as well. His thumb traced over my skin as his eyes scanned my entire face.

"What if we called you Nirvana." Liam suggested as everyone began thinking.

"Nirvana..... huh... I quite like that name actually.... it suits her." Louis responded.

"It's not feminine at all like Jaylee. I think it's a pretty cool tough name." Liam smirked as my heart raced.

They're treating me like a dog. Trying to figure out what name suits me best.

"Nirvana Karlin." Niall chimed in as I looked over at him.

"That's a cool name. I dig it." Harry nodded his head as his arms crossed over his chest.

"Nirvana Karlin is great! Nice one Niall." Liam smiled as he looked over at his friend.

"What do you think Zayn?" Louis asked as everyone looked over at him, including me.

He stared at me for a while as he meditated on the entire conversation, making me wonder if he liked it too. I honestly didn't think it was that bad, it could of been worse. It's not like I really cared about my new name anyways because it wasn't going to be who I am. I'm not my name. I'm who I act and feel. And no matter what they think or say, I'll always be Jaylee Stone.

"I think it fits her very well." Zayn replied as I suddenly felt light headed.

"She's gonna be a great member of our gang. I can already picture her being all bad ass." Liam grinned as he crossed his arms and leaned against the counter.

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