Chapter 9

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*Okay so I totally didn't intend for this to be sooooooooo long! At the moment of writing this it's about 3800 words? Which I believe is a new personal best for me in this particular series (round of applause! Yay)*

*I know this chapter like literature wise isn't the best, but it probably is one of my favourites, if not my favourite one so far in the entire series ngl...(big smiles). Anyway I can't actually say all that much in this part without spoiling what is too come, but I hope y'all enjoy it, I'd love to read and see your reactions to parts of this chapter, and we shall speak again at the end :)*

Ana's POV

"Nat did you know that Clint's favourite movie is Brave?" I whispered as we crept down the dark hallway, our guns drawn. I could literally hear her eyes roll at my question, and I smiled to myself,

"Ana would you shut up for just...well until we're done?" Natalia hissed at me, and I laughed quietly which earned me a glare from the redhead, "And yes, yes I did know that" she finished off giving me a fake smile in the dim light,

"Let me guess, yours is the little mermaid?" I retorted smugly, giving her a fake smile right back, which turned real when I heard her sigh. This was followed by a couple moments of silence as we listened out for any noise coming from ahead of us,

"Mulan actually" she replied smirking at me before we reached the end of the hallway. We then stopped, obviously wanting to assess the situation, Natalia poked her head round the corner, and she then turned to give me a slight nod. Enemies sighted.

I took a deep breath, readying myself and my weapon. She raised her hand and signalled,




We darted round the corner to open fire at the targets, one by one they dropped down screaming in pain, which only resulting in them bringing out their reinforcements; but soon they also joined their allies on the ground. Natalia and I were always unstoppable. Mission Complete.

However before we could celebrate, or even take a breath for that matter, the lights flickered on suddenly causing Natalia and I to look at each other and sigh. Shit was about to go down.

"Romanoff, Lenkov" Maria said sternly, I quickly glanced at Natalia whose eyes remained trained on the unamused looking women in front of us, "This is the 5th paintball centre you guys have been banned from" I saw Natalia smirk, and I couldn't help feeling slightly proud also "Romanoff" she sighed exasperatedly "you guys shot a bunch of kids, all in the neck" she said looking at the images in front of her, before throwing them down in front of us "Really? This is your idea of training?"

"It was target practise" Natalia said shrugging picking up the photos and showing them to me "hey, I think agent Lenkov totally nailed it" she continued, and I had to stifle a smirk when Maria shot me a warning glare, not the time to be happy, noted.

Honestly she wasn't really annoyed at the two of us, in fact Maria Hill herself was banned from all the centres for the exact same reason, except her partner in crime was some guy named Coulson. But apparently she had to at least pretend to reprimand us, which is the same thing she did when we were banned from the other 4 paintball centres. Pretty much we had this same lecture, then were placed off active duty for a week, and had to train the junior agents in that free time. It sucked, but if anything huge came up that was ignored, and we were back in combat gear.

Natalia and I just used the week to terrorise the new recruits and have movie marathons, it wasn't that bad a punishment.


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