Chapter 11

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*I just want to start this with an apology for how like delayed this chapter has been. A lot of stuff has been going on, and I'm not like 100% at the moment, but I am fine and okay. It has been so difficult with anniversaries and things, as well as me having two uni assignments to do in 2 weeks! Honestly I think I just mostly got out of the flow of writing, so this chapter was super delayed! But I hope it's not too terrible! And that you are still reading haha. Anyway enjoy haha*

*I honestly am so so sorry! I love you all so much, every single one of you that reads this book. Thank you so much for the support over the last few weeks! I hope this chapter was worth the wait, and wasn't totally terrible...*

Ana's POV

The next two days were intense, a lot of reading, finalising and physical training. I was mostly ready to leave prior to everything that happened, but it was just a final chance to go over everything. There were no more tests or challenges, they seemed to be confident that things were back in order, that I was totally under their control again. Honestly I wasn't sure where I stood, where my mind or heart were at, but I knew I had questions. Questions that needed to be answered, and I knew no one within HYDRA was going to assist with this, so I had to resort to looking for the answers in other places.

I didn't have my powers, and it took a while to adjust to not having them, but even before I was injected with the serum I was stronger and fitter then pretty much everyone else around me, so I was still perfectly capable. I still managed to floor anyone I sparred against. I still wasn't messed with by any of the other soldiers or spies, but I was ultimately still a women in a mans world.

I was confident the operation would all go as planned, maybe not exactly to their plan, but to mine, which was pretty the same as theirs, but just with some additional parts. I was informed of a small group of HYDRA operatives who were currently undercover there, they weren't any high level researchers, just maintenance men, but it was enough. They knew important details, the names of agents and scientists, where they hung out, where security feeds were, this was all vital intel that would aid the mission, and help it hopefully run as smoothly as possible. I needed everything to go smoothly, if I was extracted before I got a chance to do what I intended, I didn't know when my next chance would be to get to the bottom of all this.

The intensity of the two days helped take my mind off the young girl, Fayina I found out her name was. Free one it meant, which was fitting, she was now free. She wouldn't be tortured and abused for the rest of her life, she was free, she was with her family. I knew it didn't make what I did any better, but it was the only way I could sleep at night, it was the only way to delay another inevitable melt down. Her green eyes, her red hair threatened to keep my up at night. But I had to focus, I had to keep breathing, I had a job to do. To be honest if I was her, if I was back to being that age, knowing what I was about to go through, I would have begged the person holding the gun to shoot me.


Once I was suited up and ready, I walked towards where the HYDRA jets were, I nodded to Malik who was stood waiting for me and he smiled, Kudrin stepped forward from where he was behind him. Malik however put his arm in front, stopping him from reaching me.

"I would like a word with the Aeron" Malik said, signalling for those around us to leave, once they were gone he placed his right hand on my face, it was warm, but not in a comforting way, but rather a disconcerting way, it was slimy. I wanted to move, free myself from his grip. But I knew I had to do whatever it took to get on that jet.

"My dear, this is important, we need to know what they are doing there" he spoke slowly, emphasising the importance of the mission to which I nodded. I always completed missions, one way or another. "You are mine Aeron, you belong to me. We are bound to each other" I nodded again, and tried not to freeze up as he moved closer to me. I forced my eyes to close when his lips pressed against mine, they felt wrong. They always felt wrong. Not like Wanda's, they weren't soft or full, the kiss wasn't soft, full of adoration and passion, this was forced, hard and rough. It felt like it went on for hours, but I knew it was only a handful of moments.

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