Chapter 12

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*Woah two updates so soon...(bows)...(waits for a round of applause)...(bows again)...okay so this is an apology chapter. And also whilst I intend to continue updating like at least once weekly, I do have two major uni assignments coming up, so like I've spent all day writing Chapter 11 and this one, so do need to crack on with them, as timing is running out...VERY fast...oops...(cue 'under pressure' to start playing)...anyway, I always knew like what was going to happen in this chapter, but I was not ready, aware of or prepared for what HAPPENED in this chapter...Buckle up folks...shits about to go down...*

Ana's POV

I spent the rest of the afternoon as I waited to go out that evening reading over all the files on the important individuals. I made sure I noted down any key or important details. Honestly nothing was that exciting or eye opening, they were trained in combat, not surprising. Even the scientists, as a precaution. Which made a lot of sense, but there wasn't really any vital details. Honestly I was annoyed, these undercover operatives had been here months, and yet this was all the information they had gathered. I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration, before closing the final file and beginning to get ready.


As I parked my motorcycle I took note of the security systems outside, looking for any blind spots, or anything I could potentially use, or hack into. There were plenty of cameras, it covered the entire outside, and the parking lot. I was mildly impressed.

Walking in wasn't much different, the bar again was heavily under surveillance. The inside much more subtly so however, small cameras in corners, in clocks, and peaking behind alcohol bottles at the bar, I raised my eyebrows at the extent this place had gone to. I wasn't surprised, if this was a SHIELD hangout, it figures that they'd monitor it closely in case anything went haywire. Once my scan was complete I sat down at the bar and offered a warm smile to the man behind it, one which he gladly returned. Men.

"One vodka shot please" I say softly, making my voice sound like honey, with a perfect British accent. When he passes me the drink I make sure to linger my fingers on his as I take it, "thank you" I say and walk away, making sure to sway my hips to keep his attention, and also to gain those of the people around me. I found an empty table and sat down. Waiting. Whilst I did my mind wondered off,

"Natalia come on, one shot" I beg the redhead who was sitting next to me. It was an evening in with the team and everyone else was getting drunk, and to be honest I was tired of listening to the thoughts in my head, and I was well aware that Vodka would take the edge off, but she just smirks and shakes her head at me, standing up to get her own drink, "Please Nat" I say sweetly and she just chuckles and rolls her eyes,

"You're underage" She says firmly before going behind the bar to get her beer, I mumble angrily at this causing Wanda who was next to me to laugh at me and I shot her a glare,

"You're underage too Maximoff" I snarled at the Sokovian, who smiled widely back,

"Yes but I'm not Nat's substitute child" she said, back smirking, to which I rolled my eyes and pulled the knife out of my sleeve, pointing it at her,

"Try me" I said angrily, but she was well aware there was no malice behind my words, instead her hands raised and began glowing red, moments later the knife was thrown away on the floor,

"I have others" I muttered and she just laughed, snuggling into me, and I couldn't help but smile, Natalia who took her place back the otherwise of me put her hand out, holding a carton towards me,

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