Chapter 15

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*wow long time no write! I cannot even being to express how manic hospitals are, and just how chaotic my life has been since I lasted updated. Working long hours and days, and then having to study in between, and also taking on way too many positions at uni. I actually don't think I have time to be a human being at the moment. Also want to apologize for this chapter, the first few like drafts and rewrites were like semi chilled...and then I'm just not in a great place so it was like...bam angst...I haven't decided about fluff I write this there is currently like no fluff at we'll see how it goes, I'll try to get even like one line or something haha*

Ana's POV

"You're not alone" A voice called out, breaking into the dark room that seemed to have surrounded me. Breaking through the muffled sounds that were around me. Breaking through the screaming that was inside my head. Breaking through the pain and anguish. Just totally breaking me.

I didn't look up. I didn't want to meet the gaze that waited to meet my own. It was over.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered back, trying to catch my breath. Trying to calm myself down. Trying to prepare myself.

I was weak right now. I was vulnerable. I didn't stand a chance and I knew it, and when I saw the yellow liquid lining their guns, their totally unfazed demeanor I knew that they knew it to. One wrong move and they'd take me out.

"You know why I'm here" The voice replied monotonously, seemingly already tired of this conversation "you know why we're here" I immediately glanced back to see Natalia and Wanda being drugged, a needle being shoved into them. I wanted to fight, I wanted to scream out at them to stop, to not hurt them.

To let them go, to just take me. But it was over, so instead I sat back on the grass, defeated.

"Good choice" The woman replied, obviously having watched my whole body tense getting ready to fight before deciding against it,

"Why...?" I breathed out helplessly, as I watched the woman go and check on Wanda and Natalia, "why are you doing this?"

She faltered slightly whilst above them, no one else seemed to notice. I did though. A second of weakness, a second of regret, a second of guilt. But it was gone before I could analyse it further.

"Oni bez soznaniya, posadite ikh v samolet" (They're unconscious, put them on the jet) she said firmly before she turned back to me, "are you going to comply Anastasia? Or will we need to use force?" She asked coldly, ignoring my question as I looked at her, glancing back briefly to see them both disappear onto the jet. The answer to my question was obvious anyway, it was the elephant that hung in the room, it was simple, it was her mission.

"Please don't hurt them" I choked out, and she just laughed, I didn't understand a whole lot right now. I didn't know what was true or false. What was real or fake. But I felt Wanda's heart break in that dream, and Natalias, that was real. I couldn't let them get hurt. I needed them safe.

"Oh no...Eto bylo by takoy tratoy" (That would be such a waste), she replied, deep down I knew what was going to follow, "oni s neterpeniyem zhdut vozmozhnosti protestirovat' nashi novyye igrushki" (they're looking forward to testing out our new toys)

"Yelena don't do this" I whispered as she walked over, her eyes sizing me up, analysing, calculating. Ready for any kind of resistance from me, instead I just raised my hands behind my head and got on my knees.

"I'll comply, just please...please don't hurt them" I called out, I couldn't, I wouldn't leave them alone.

"khoroshiy vybor" (good choice) she said bluntly, cuffing my hands behind my back and sedating me, I never got an answer to my request.

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