Chapter 5

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3rd person POV

"Damon!" Stefan cried a little panic in his voice.

"What?"Damon called annoyed,"I'm going to out in a limb here, the bunnies rebelled?" Stefan looked up at his brother, rolling his eyes.

"We have a problem, Charlotte is back."

"You don't say" Damon smiled, this will be fun, He thought.

Charlotte's POV

"I don't think he suspected a thing." I said at dinner. Katie had made pasta for dinner, she also made these awesome bacon bread sticks.

"Our side if the plan went great, too" Brook smiled,"I think we are closer to figuring out who did it."

"Damon is totally in love with me." Katie said

"Riigghhtt." Brook rolled her eyes, "He only said two word to you, one word Katie."

"Yes he said 'Please move', totally in love with me!" Katie said.

"I don't know what if it wasn't the a Salvatore." I said with a little hope.

"It has to be, don't think about the past Char." Brook said. It was like she could read my mind... Well maybe she can... Witches

"But-" I started

"Charlotte it has been around 146 years, have you changed?"

"Yes, but-"

"Stefan was the ripper, they have changed."

"I know Stefan was the ripper, But-!"I tried to argue. I had heard of the ripper back in the day, and I had told Brook about him. Lots like she did her research. Brook gave me a sad smile.

"How?" I asked, "He was so..not ripper like back in the 1860s."

"Someone is going to let there humanity get in the way, and for this to work you need to be prepared to kill both of them." Brook said. I swallowed my retort, she was right. I hated it but she was right. I sighed.

"Alright, since we are on the subject of vampires, Elena." Brook said. She is so controlling, I thought.

"We have Math and history together, from what I can gather she is everything that Katherine wasn't." I said in a bored voice.


"She's kind, selfless, and Stefan likes her." I smiled

"Guys lets stick to one goal at a time," Katie said

"You guys wanna go to the grill for desert." I asked

"I'm in." Katie said

"Sorry I'm going to do some research on Elena." Brook sighed.

"One day you will learn the meaning of the word 'fun'," Katie said to Brook. Brook stuck her tongue at Katie. If you want to see something funny, look for a badass witch sticking her tongue out at her vampire best friend.

(At the grill)

"Salvatore's at 3:00," I muttered

"Char that's 8:00," Katie said


"I'm going to get something from the bar, be right back."

"You going to get me something?"

"You are totally underage."

"Lies! I'm a lot older than a look!" Katie laughed as she walked away.

"You know,"A voice behind me said," You were so much more serious back in 1864."

I turnned around, sure enough it was the one and only Damon salvatore. Damon had changed a lot, unlike Stefan. He smiled different, and it was something about the way he held himself. Damon and Stefan slid in to the seats across from me.

"Let's skip all the nice hellos and 'I've missed you' and cut to the chase. Why did you leave." Damon sneered

"I left because you were dead."

"We never died!" Stefan said

"No," I said as I took a sip of my ice tea,"But you were dead to me the second Katherine came in to your lives."

"Your point?"

"She was bad news."

"So you just left."

"Would have begged me to stay right"


"And would I have listened?"


"Nope! So there is my simple heartbreaking answer." So maybe I had told a tiny lie, when I was around Katherine I got all these killing vibes. I mean every cell in my body was yelling KILL!! I had no proof that she was evil, so I left before I could kill her. I'm not the type to take innocent-ish lives. I got up and left. I didn't want to deal with them right now. I walked outside. Suddenly Damon was in front of me holding Katie by the neck.

"I'm not done," He stroked Katie's neck.... so he didn't know." Why'd you come back? Or she dies."

I smirked at him..... so stupid.

"I have come back to kill you," I said simplify. His expression was priceless. I grabbed Katie and we ran. When we arrived at Brooks house I looked at Katie.

"It was Damon," I panted, "I would swear on my life."

"He doesn't know," Katie said,"Or he wouldn't have tried to feed on me."

"So..should we tell Brook."

"I don't think so, I don't want anybody to die."

"She does seem a tiny mean...."

"Yeah it's odd, I mean she's just not Brook." Katie said. I guess I should believe her, I mean she knows Brook like a sister. She was most likely right, so then if she was right and Brook wasn't Brook...-Stop Charlotte, I thought. I need sleep


-------Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I love very single one of readers much!!! Thanks a ton!!! There will be so mistakes in my but I do try to edit it. Thanks again. Also be awesome and leave what you think in the comment section!! ;) you know you wanna!

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