Chapter 4

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I sat in the next empty booth with Brook and Katie. We were at the Mystic Grill.

"I don't want to go to school!" I sounded like a little kid, but it was sooo true. I had been going to school for the past... Well a long long time.

"Stefan and Elena go to that school," Brook said,"Katie and I are watching Damon."

"Do you really think one if the did it?"

"We don't know,"Katie said,"Brook's going to do some more spells, see if we can get closer."

"Point being keep an eye on Stefan,"Brook said.

"Will they remember me?"

"Don't know, Don't think so."Brook said.

"Well whatever I'll go to school....but only if..."I wiggled my eyebrows at Katie.

"God I hate you,"She sighed and tossed me the car keys.

"But those are mine!"Brook sound annoyed. I glared at Katie.

"Fine , but I want the Audi R8 that was in the garage." Katie looked like she was going to throw a fit.

"That was my backup plan!"Katie shot eye daggers at me.

"GUYS !"Brook yell,"Katie you get Grams old truck, Char you get the R8, and we will switch every week. That is final!"

BEEP BEEP BEEP my alarm clock went off. I tried to put it on snooze, but somebody(Brook) had done some witchy voodoo. I threw on my lime green skinny jeans and my old Taylor swift concert t-shirt.

"Morning,"Brook said as I came downstairs.

"You shall not talk to me." I stuck my nose in the air. Katie handed me my backpack

"Just keep an eye on Stefan." She eyed my outfit,"Taylor swift, really?" I stuck my tongue out at her.

I pulled up in the school parking lot.

Stupid school!!! I mean I was 367! Katie says I should do something with my life, but I like forever. As I stepped out of my car, I looked around. I saw Stefan. He hadn't aged a day. Same brown hair, same chin. I know that sound kinda creepy stalker-ish. So maybe I had had tiny crush on Stefan back in 1864, BUT the past is the past. I walked into school, only to find every single girl staring at Stefan, typical. Since Brook had been being... Brook she had made Stefan and I have every single class toghter and we had our lockers next to each other. This was going to be fun! I walked up to my locker to find Stefan there.

"Pardon me,"I said trying to be polite and not scream, YOU KNOW ME!!

"Sorry,"Stefan said,"I'm Stefan." I KNOW!!! I thought.

"I'm Charlotte,"I smiled,"Nice to meet you."It was soo hard not to give him a big hug and say Hey Stefan! Miss me?

"Are you new here?"I asked. YES YOU ARE!!!

"Yup, are you?"

"Yeah, what's your first class?" IT'S SPANISH, I thought! He showed me his schedule. Surprise! It was Spanish. Another Surprise! We had all the same class. I'm not going to bore you with the rest of the day, but mission accomplished.

--Hi guys so I want you to know why all my chapters are short. It's because I use the wattpad app. It's not as advanced as the website, but I still use it. I'm so sorry these chapters are so short. Also I want to thank every single on of my readers you guys are AWESOME!!! I love you do much!! If you could leave what you think in that little comment section it would make my day!!!!!------

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