Chapter 6

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Sometimes humans come up with the stupidest ideas. Any kid will know exactly what I mean.... SCHOOL. Us kids ask, WHY? Why must we spend 6 hours a day just wasting our lives! I guess its different for vampires, I mean we have like forever. But anywhale, its still stupid.

These were some of the ideas I was talking to Brook about.

"Look," she said, "We still don't know this Elena yet. You need to watch her."

"But...." I said, "I have an easier idea. Capture he, tie her up, take off her vervain necklace, compel her. She tells us everything about Stefan and Damon. We will happily get our information. Elena will forget the entire thing. And, the best part is..........I DO NOT have to go that awful prison called, school."

"Your still going"



"Come on-"



"CHARLOTTE IF YOU TALK ONE MORE TIME I SHALL FEED YOU TO MY BLOOD THIRSTY BADASS UNICORN." Brook yelled, her face turning very red. You see I don't like unicorns, I don't know why, don't ask me why, I just don't. I don't know how I got my hate of unicorns. It's just always been. Kinda like my love for vanilla over chocolate or that I love the smell of pine but I can't stand the smell of fire. Its always been there. I don't remember a lot of things about me, like who my real parents or siblings were, who turned me, I only know when I was born. The last year I remember was 1682. Nothing before that, nothing. I don't really know what happened, but I think I was compelled. But vampires can't compel other vampires, maybe it was a spell..

"Earth to char..." Katie said, waving her hand in front of my face,"You need to go to-"

"Prison," I said solemnly,"Katie if I don't make it back, you can have my iPhone. But don't give Brook anything 'cause she's evil."

"Love you too! Bye now." Brook waved, that evil soul.

As much as I hated school, I was in some way, going to be useful to our plan. So all I had to do was befriend elena, simple. I could do this. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Stefan.

"Hey," He said, his brown eye full of concern, "Sorry about Damon last night, I shouldn't have let him get carried away."

"Oh," I said, he up to something I could tell, well so was I. "Its okay, sorry about my outburst, too"

"Truce?"He asked, holding out his hand.

"Why of course Mr. Salvatore," I smiled and laughed a little, taking his hand.

Third person P.O.V

"That little bitch,"Bonnie muttered.

"Who is that anyways?"Caroline said, "I mean like don't worry Elena she isn't even that pretty." Elena shot her a glare, "Okay okay she looks like model, but come on. Stefan and you are like soul mates."

"Stefan can talk to ever he wants, I'm fine with it," Elena said trying to keep her cool, who was this bitch any ways?

"Correction, Stefan can talk to who ever he wants just not sluts who are out to steal your boyfriend." Caroline said.

"Well there is the dance tomorrow tonight," Bonnie said.

"If he lets me go, after He gave me the house its like I'm on lock down or something,"Elena laughed.

Charlottes POV

History, My best subject.

"Hey want to sit by me?" Stefan asked

"Sure, I mean, you are like my only friend."

"Ahh so we're friends, now?" He asked. I laughed and took the seat next to him.

"Sorry," A stuck-up voice said, "Thats my seat." I turned around, well this must be Elena, she was like a copy of Katherine. I half expected the horrible pain and urges to kill that can with the sight of her.

"Sorry," I said, "I didn't know they were assigned, I'm new."

"Obviously, anyway there not assigned. I just like to sit next to my boyfriend, right Stefan." She smiled at me.

"You are Elena, right" I asked, okay I has heard that Elena was a sweet girl not a bitch.

"Yup!" She said," Now please move."

"Morning class," The teacher said, He looked at me, "Ummm... New?"

"Yeah," I said smiling, "I'm Charlotte."

"Welcome Charlotte, Im Mr. Saltzman. Can you stay after class for a moment so I can give you some things to catch up?"

Klaus's (in Alaric's body) POV

What the F*** was Charlotte doing alive!



^Squiggle are squiggling

Hello beautiful Reader!

I know I haven't updated in a long time and I'm so sorry. I could couldn't update cause I was working on my new story "The only dog for me" you should check it out.

Fear not squiggly reader! I got a ton of positive feedback on my last chapter, so I shall try to update faster! 

Also this is my first time using the wattpad website! How did I do??? I liked the website version so I will try to use it more often. 

Lastly Char drops in to the Salvatore's lives at about 2x18 or "the last dance"

Btw I tried to add a pic of Charlotte to the side, I don't know if it will work..

I'll try to update soon!


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