Chapter 3

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---Sorry about earlier how it says chapter 2 in the middle of the story. I had it in a different layout ,but I made chapter 1 shorter so yeah. Sorry again. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!--- :P

Chapter 3

I stepped out of the car. We were at a really big mansion . I wasn't sure quite why we were here. According to Brook this her house, but I was doubting her. It was big like really really really big.

"I know what your thinking," Brook said,"But I'm telling the truth. Auntie left this to me when she passed away."

"Okay okay...we should stay here."Katie said with a hopeful smile.

"I don't know,"I said," I like need and indoor swimming pool and maids. This place looks like soooo drab. Do you like even have a pro chef!" I did my entire eye roll thingy.

"That's her way of saying yes,"Katie said before marching inside. Whatever Katie, be that way. So I marched after her.

"I live with two three year olds." I heard Brook muttered.

"I heard that!"

" Stupid vampire hearing!"

Later that night at dinner:

"So," Brook said,"I made a list of all the vampires in the town."

"humposw?" I asked with my mouth full.

"I speak English," Brook said smiling. I made a face at her.

"Whatever." I said

"Anyway I used this fancy tracking spell, and I got Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore-"

"WHAT!" I cut her off. It had been a long long time since I had heard the name Salvatore.

----- Flashback 1864----

"I hate parties!" I said to Damon. Stupid people humans and their pity parties.

"It's for you, they might like it you show up." He replied. I picked a rose from a nearby bush. Me and Damon were walking in the gardens on his fathers estate. Later I had to go to a fancy party for my parents death.

"Well they weren't my real parents so does it matter!"

"Well you'll get to wear that new dress that Emily made you."

"I would rather eat worms!"I laughed and smiling up at the sky. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my eyes.

"Stefan!" I said. Unexpectedly he gagged and blind folded me. Stefan and Damon marched me somewhere, but the path seemed familiar.

"Guys!" I tried to yell. Then Stefan took blind fold and gag off. I was in my favorite part of the gardens. There was Anna, Clara, Elizabeth, and a cake!!

"Happy Birthday!" They cried.

"Wow!" I said,"You guys remembered!" Anna gave me a hug,"How did you forget!"

"I stopped keeping track after 145."


That had been one of the best days of my life, also Damon let me ditch the party. Stefan got really mad at us. Then they madly fell in love with Katherine, a vampire bitch. She had never liked me for some reason, but I couldn't have cared less. Soon Damon and Stefan were going crazy over Katherine. So I left and figured those stupid humans weren't worth it my time.

"Char?" Brook said


"You said that all out loud."

"Oops." I felt my face turning red. "Well now you guys know, I cant believe I almost for got about Mystic Falls."

"Nor can I." Katie said. Yeah we had never "talked" about my past as a vampire. It was kinda awkward. We had never even talked about who turned me, which is something I can't even remember. Somehow they compelled me to forget. Well whatever.

"Anybody else?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Nope, all dead ends. But I did fin this." Brook handed me a picture of Katherine.

"But-" I started

"I bumped in to her at Starbucks, she's human all right, Elena Gilbert." love it? Hate it? Let me know!-----

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