8. Panic Attacks and Roses

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He was making his fourth coffee that morning. Why was he surprised? Of course finding a job was hard when Oliver was a dropout and his only work experience was McDonalds. No way he'd be allowed back there after disappearing for nearly a year.

But he had to find some form of money if he wanted to move out. Dan really hated him, that much was clear and he hated bothering them all the time. It was better if he just stayed in the sidelines for now. Josh was getting better on his own and he was clearly putting more stress on him.

"Hey." Oliver jumped at the sound of his friends voice. Jordan pulled up behind him, a knowing smirk on his lips as he took a sip of his own coffee. It wasn't from the house, Oliver would have seen him, he'd gone out to get his own. How the hell did he get back in the apartment so quietly-

"So you're searching for a job?" Jordan asked and leaned against the counter.

"How did-"

"Your laptops wide open. I just took a glance."

Oliver poured milk and sugar in the coffee, tasted it, and put another tiny spoonful of sugar in.

"That's disgusting," Jordan noted. "How many have you had?"

Oliver rubbed his eyes harshly and began packing up the sugar and milk. "I don't remember. Black coffee is more disgusting than this."

Jordan shook his head and helped grab the milk. "Don't drink another okay? Don't want your organs shutting down."

And why would that be bad?

Oliver shrugged it off and grabbed his coffee.

"So hows the work progress?"

"Terrible," Oliver whined. "Nobody wants a high school dropout with a nonexistent resume."

Jordan slid onto the couch beside Oliver. He took the laptop from his grasp and began typing. "I know these guys, and they take anyone. Anyone without a criminal record that is- It's not 'cause their desperate, they're just really nice. So anyways."

Jordan finished typing and slid the laptop back to Oliver. "I can put a word in for you. It's just plants, ya know? A bit of cleaning around the store, whatevers open really."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course man!" Jordan slid his arm around Oliver. "How long have I known you? Middle school? Of course I'd do this."

Oliver laughed. It was pained, but also happy. Jordan would always be there for anyone, no matter what they'd done. He was too fucking kind. Oliver was beyond lucky to know him.

"Thanks, man."


There were two men waiting for him, one with vibrant red hair Oliver couldn't take his eyes off of.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" The other man spoke. "I'll admit, I was the one to convince him to do it," he said smugly.

"Yeah yeah Frank, and we're so grateful you did," the redhead nudged him aside. "Well, Oliver, I'm Gerard. Jordan told me about you, you're here for the job?"

"Yeah," Oliver nodded, looking anywhere but the two men in front of him. "What, uh, is the job?" He noticed his hands were shaking, so he quickly shoved them in his pockets and looked at Gerard.

"Simple enough, keep the place clean, help customers. Jenna should be here soon to show you around but she's running late.. again."

"Speak of the devil!" Frank laughed and waved over supposed Jenna. Her hair was put in a messy bun and she was attempting to tie her work apron around her stomach.

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