.florida kilos.

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I wrapped my arms around his warm neck. Having not seen him, or felt his touch for about four days, I was all smiles when the door knob turned and the door opened to find him strolling into the messy hotel room. I had news for Gerard.

"Missed you, darling," he spoke by my ear. I wasn't planning on letting go as I clung on to him.

"I was worried sick . For I all know, ya could have been... uh, dead or something," I slurred out, placing a kiss on his cheek. The bright vermilion lipstick stains were a contrast again his white skin. "But you're now here. Thank goodness."

"Someone seems alive today, full of life. Win the lottery, baby?

I chuckled, "Close enough."

He smiled a crooked grin. Taking my hand he paced towards the door to the balcony and pushed aside the hideous floral patterned curtains, sending a cloud of dust all around. Sunlight filtered into the room, giving all the dull, old fashioned furniture a burst of color. He sat on one of the two plastic chairs, taking in the scorching summer sun. With his eyes closed and the bright sunlight washing over his pale skin, all made him appear as powerful and charming as a Greek god. He unbuttoned his shirt, lying with his gold chain on. I leaned on the balcony's barely white rail, observing the shadiness of the dank Jersey streets below. His stares sent chills down my spine. Eyes trailing down my legs and the such, my little white dress barely covering anything. Gerard was my cult leader, I was his jazz singer. The familiar strong scent of tobacco reached my nose as a drift of wind blew, making the dress reveal a pair of lace panties. I let the breeze show all.

He laughed, "You are such a tease, Francesca."

Shifting his eyes to his lap, he suggested without a word for me to go sit on top of him. He brought the cigar to his lips and took a long drag. Damn, he was beautiful.

I twirled my hair with a finger, pouting my cherry lips and placed myself on top of him. He breathed out a cloud of smoke and proceed to ask, "So, Frankie, what's this surprise you implied?"

I caressed his face. "You ask so many questions. It's tiring."

Gerard rolled his eyes.

I shifted around, and turned to face him, straddling him. Cigar hanging from his lips, his hands slid up my thighs and lingered under my dress. I placed a finger on his chest, tracing senseless patterns on his pale skin.

"I am going out somewhere. And you, mister, will be by my side wherever the hell I'm traveling to."

His fingers' presence idled where he touched. Left a buzz, tingling feeling. The smoke of the cigar clung onto his clothes. The beams of sunlight were blocked by passing clouds. He opened his eyes. "It's funny. You look like an angel, but give the devil a run for his money."

"We're going to Miami."

He raised an eyebrow and I giddily kissed the corner of his lips. "It'll be fun, very fun. I promise."

"Well, that's interesting news, cariño mio." He stroked my locks of hair.

"I love it when you speak exotic shit. Ya know- Spanish or Italian."

We remained together until the sun set and a burst of colors- orange, scarlet, and lavender- took over the Jersey skies.


A week later the plane landed in Miami. From the plane's window, I had claimed the window seat, my eyes took in the ever gleaming teal waters, the white palm trees, and the horizon of skyscrapers. The glaring sun had it's place above the breath-taking city, shining and giving off vibes of hope. I could barely stay calm in my seat as the pilot announced our arrival.

"Bienvenidos pasajeros a Miami, disfruten de un buen paseo en la cuidad del sol."

All the way through the airport and as we called for a cab, Gerard kept his cold fingers intertwined with mine. I kept smiling to myself as I searched through my phone and for the millionth time flipped through the photographs of a sleeping Gerard. He looked like a kid, his face radiating internal peace.

Wind in my hair, gold hoops on, and white powder in his pockets, we were ready to take over the sunny city. Dancing the night away, dark skin calling me out, drinking and forgetting. Life was alright for now.

I think I may be dumb at times, but for the time being, maybe I'm just happy...

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