.old money.

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I sat in the car. Salvatore hastily revved up the engine and drove like a maniac through the dark narrow streets of the shady parts of Jersey. His silenced rage filled the smallness of the car, his knuckles turning white from his strong grip on the wheel.

"Look at you, sacrificing yourself for others! When did you get a heart? I had thought you lost your moral code." I crossed my arms and stared at him as he drove. Not once did his eyes wander to catch mine.

The car suddenly skidded, and I was slammed towards the car door as he made a sharp right turn. His eyes flickered from the road ahead to the rear view mirror. At the next intersection, the car swerved to make yet another right, almost colliding with a brown sedan. We were being followed. I glanced back wildly to check up on our pursuers and saw headlights far back turning off onto a side road. Sal kept driving, still had a fast speed, though more calmly now. His ever long silence made the tension between us more unbearable.

Wherever the hell we were, I had no clue. There were no passing cars, much less people wandering around. The streets gave off an eerie feeling as that of a ghost town. There were goose bumps on my arms, a cold sensation traveling up my spine. He pulled on the breaks.

Hair covering his face he finally spoke out loud for the first time in two hours. "Frankie...."

I stayed still, gazing out into the shadows of the night beyond the windshield. He continued, "I used to have dreams about being important, about making a difference in the world... Now, I'd rather hide myself away so your world won't have to overlap mine."

He had called me Frankie. His hands still clutched the wheel, knuckles white and veins popping out. What the hell was he talking about? Did he want to leave me? Or was he expressing his feelings toward me? God, I'm still basically a kid that doesn't know how to decipher his odd metaphors.

Salvatore had a voice like flowers blooming in darkness. He was all I needed, and that was I had to know for the moment.

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