Chapter 6

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 Can crossed the street weaving between a taxi and a motorbike that came out of nowhere. After flipping off the bike driver and breaking his no swearing vow for at least the tenth time that week, he turned his attention to the IC faculty building up ahead. The architecture style was modern with lots of glass and sleek tile floors and steel cable staircases. Apparently, an alumnus who struck it rich when his company was awarded an offshore oil exploration contract gifted the money to the University for its construction. Can loved the automatic doors and spent a few minutes going in and out watching them open and close. It's true! The IC kids didn't even have to open doors themselves!

Can needed to hurry out the back doors and get in position further up the sidewalk if he wanted to be ready for when Tin made his way down the walkway but as he made his move towards the back, a silhouette caught his eye. His mouth fell open in shock. By the rear far set of doors stood Tin and his head was cocked to the right intently looking at something. Tin glanced down at his watch and sneakily looked again out the door in the direction of the Communication faculty. Is he looking for me? He's looking for me before he exits so he can meet me on the sidewalk. I know it!!!! Can whooped and did a quick happy dance on the spot. Tin's head whipped to the left searching for the source of the sudden shout so Can quickly dodged behind a column and waited a minute before he snuck out the front door and hurried to the Communications building.

It took a handful of deep breathes before Can was calm enough to exit the building and start walking down the sidewalk towards the IC. He was jittery with excitement and didn't want to look too anxious. It took only about ten steps before Tin moved into his line of vision. Can slowed his approach and when closer, made direct eye contact with the other student and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and waited for Tin to close the gap.

"Hi Tin" Can said cheerfully.

Tin immediately stopped walking and gawked at the younger student for a few long seconds. "Huh? How do you know my name?"

"I asked another IC student."

"Hm okay."

Tin and Can quietly watched each other. It's was as if neither knew what to say next. Can broke eye contact first and went to move away saying "I'll leave first."

"Hey, what's your name?" Tin asked as he reached out and lightly grabbed the other student's wrist to hold him back.

"Can" he answered and gently pulled away to continue towards the football field.

Hmmm..... Tin mused as he watched the younger boy walk away, cans are made of tin. And in English the two words can be used interchangeably. A tin of beans, a can of beans. Is the universe saying we are made for each other?

The next few weeks whenever they would cross paths on the sidewalk, they stopped and chatted. The conversation would last a bit longer than the previous one each time they met. The subjects were irrelevant; the weather, football, information about their faculties, school activities, what they thought of the current movies at the local theater. They were oblivious to the fact they were blocking the sidewalk and inconveniencing others who had to walk around. It was the behavior of two people only paying attention to each other. It was how two people act when falling in love.

Ram: IC students are gossiping about you and Tin.

Can: what are they saying?

Ram: That you two are dating. They don't know what he sees in you.

Can: Fuck them

It was Friday and a good day to visit the IC Cantina for lunch. The cafeteria was offering fried coconut shrimp and freshly tossed spaghetti carbonara as the daily specials. Can finished the last few bites on his plate and drooled over the chocolate cake he was going to enjoy for dessert when he felt Ram nudge him.

"Hmm, what? Can's eyes followed the head nod direction in time to see Tin approach a table about 15 feet away. He then put down a few plates of food along with silverware and pulled out a chair to sit down.

Can turned toward Ram with excitement in his voice "Oh it's Tin. He's so handsome today. He got a haircut. Did I tell you what we talked about last? No, well I was asking about the classes he has to take in the third year and .......". Can stopped abruptly when he saw Rams eyes grow big and his mouth drop open. As if he saw something amazing. Can turned towards Tin's table to see a guy handing Tin a coffee drink. He was medium height, slim, shiny black hair with longer bangs, a straight nose and a bright smile. The guy was so handsome, maybe even better looking than Tin! His uniform confirmed he was a student at the University and he looked to be around their age. The man sat next to Tin, unwrapped his silverware and started to eat the food from the extra plate. Can felt his heart drop, who is this guy? He turned towards Ram "Do you know who he is?"

Head shake no while his eyes maintained a steady gaze towards Tins' table. Can looked back and forth between his friend and the other table a few times and realized Ram was staring intently at Tin's tablemate. What the hell is going on??? "Hey Ram. He's really good looking, isn't he?"

Head shake yes. Food forgotten; Ram continued to stare. Can snickered, he'd never seen his friend so mesmerized. He certainly never looked that way at any of the other students who had approached him so far this year. Can watched Tin until he looked up from his meal. Their eyes met and they exchanged shy smiles and waves. The wave caught the tablemates attention and a puzzled look crossed his face before he leaned over to confirm something with Tin. He then turned towards their table and his eyes locked with Rams and they lingered, eyeing each other, for a long number of seconds. The two didn't break eye contact; not even when the friend tilted his head towards Tin and asked more questions. The stare between the two was finally broken when Ram dropped his chin down towards his chest and blushed a deep red. Can felt strangely embarrassed as he watched the eye play, like he was eavesdropping on some sort of intimate moment between lovers.

"Do you like that guy with Tin? I can find out who he is if you'd like?" The offer wasn't only for Rams benefit. It hadn't previously crossed Cans mind that Tin might be romantically involved with someone. Seeing the easy smiles and conversation between the two, he wondered if they were possibly boyfriends. He had to know who this other guy was for his own peace of mind. "Come on Ram, let's leave. We can eat the cake at our table by the Communications faculty."

They made their way out of the dining room. Can felt self-conscious as if he was on display. He turned to look one last time at Tins table and saw the eyes of both men at the table had followed them to the cantina door. Can paused to stare back and only stopped when Ram grabbed his forearm and pulled him out the door. 

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