Chapter 12

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The fair was noisy and bright. The overhead lights obscured the dark sky and cast an unflattering glare. Tin stuck close to Can. He didn't like crowds, especially the sweaty bodies that kept brushing against him as Can dragged him towards the food booth area. He felt a headache coming on - if it wasn't for his promise to buy Can whatever he wanted to eat, he would've already made excuses to go home.

"Please! I want a few of those spicy sausages, and some curry. Also, five grilled pork skewers. And noodles with extra chili." Can pointed each dish out one by one as they walked among the food vendors and Tin paid without a word as he collected the bags of food.

Tin finally had enough. "Pick the last booth you want to order from, my arms are tired of holding all this food."

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's get something from the seafood vendor."

Of course, his final choice would be the busiest booth in the food area. Tin had to remind himself for the umpteenth time in the past fifteen minutes that he wanted to make Can happy so to mind his tongue and stay quiet. Time dragged, it had to be at least ten minutes before they were even close to the front of the line.

"Hey, thanks for saving us a place in line" said a voice to the side. Both Ram and King crowded in trying to fake they had waited in line all along. Kings arms held some sort of exotic looking plant. Possibly that was the native Australian plant he had mentioned earlier. Can pulled Ram closer to him and they carried on a sort of back and forth abbreviated conversation consisting of short bursts of whispered words and yes or no headshakes.

An attractive early 20's female clerk eyed the boys appreciatively when they finally reached the front of the line. Each ordered individually except for King who spoke for both him and Ram. Can was last and the clerk barely paid any attention to him, her eyes kept turning towards the other three boys. "Hey, I want stir friend shrimp with garlic and ginger, did you hear me?" Can knocked on the counter twice with his fist to catch her attention and she rewarded him with a glare before writing down the order.

"Are you college students?" the clerk asked politely as she waited for her older female coworker to tally the total cost of the food.

King acted as spokesperson for the group. "Uh huh. We're students at City University."

"Oh, I go to NSC, I'm home on break and my Uncle asked me to help with his booth since my cousin is ill and can't work this evening. What are you doing after the fair tonight? My friends and I are going to the club to dance. You should come along." Her interest wasn't even subtle as she licked her lips, eyes flitting over the boys before settling on Tin.

The older coworker pushed the girl out of the way. "Quit hitting on these boys Leela. Go get the orders for the customers on the side over there. They've been waiting a while." The younger girl threw a mournful look their way but did as she was told. Tin paid the bill and as the woman returned his change she said "Leela is right. You three are very handsome. You must be very popular at your school."

"What about me?" Can puffed up his chest to appear larger and more forceful. "Am I not handsome too?"

Any response from the cashier was cut off as Leela edged back in front of the boys. "Hmmm, well, you're ok. Kinda cute, not handsome" she simply but confidently stated before turning her attention towards Can's friends. "You sure you handsome boys don't want to come to the club with me tonight?"

"Fuck my life" Can quietly swore under his breath. First the mom from earlier and now this girl? Was he truly just a kitten surrounded by majestic lions? The insults were enough to make him want to cry. Worse, it was enough to make him almost lose his appetite.

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